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Things were better, especially 9 months later. The defeat of Negan meant that things had changed drastically. Even how people treated Lilia.

After she told her dad and Rick that she was pregnant, people started to talk to her more. Asking if she needed anything, if she as okay and how she was coping. Residents found it quite a shock to see a, now 17 year old, the size of a balloon and they immediately wanted to help and make sure the young girl was comfortable in her pregnancy.

Daryl found it quite a shock when Lilia told him about her pregnancy. He wasn't mad, annoyed, angry, just shocked at first. But eventually he warmed up to it, and promised to look after Lilia and his grandchild when it was born, despite being so young Lilia was still stronger than ever and didn't let anything stand in her way.

Rick found it the same way, but everytime he saw Lilia he greeted her with a smile. He was happy for her, and was glad she was happy too now this has all settled down.

She continued to help with the Sanctuary, under eyes of her father who said he didn't want her anywhere near the past Saviours due to her state. She continued to help others and lift them onto their feet in the wake of Negan's demise. Alexandrians and Kingdom forces could finally return home.

She stayed with Rick and Michonne while her dad went out, she got tired pretty quickly being 8, almost 9 months pregnant. She liked to spend time with Judith too, creating pictures or her family or playing games.

Lilia had visited Siddiq many times too, to check up on the baby. She didn't want to know the gender as she wanted it to be a surprise. And she couldn't wait.

Judith and Lilia were sitting down on the porch, she was colouring and Lilia was observing. She trailed her fingers across the decking, reaching two blue handprints. One from Carl and a cute smaller one from Judith.

"Hand!" Judith put her hand in her smaller blue one stained on the deck.

"That's right. Who does that one belong to?" Lilia pointed to the bigger one beside it.

"Carl's hand!" She said.

"That's right." Lilia nodded with a smile, looking back to the stained image.

She sat down cross legged next to Judith, when she felt something wet pool between her legs. She looked down in shock. "What the..?"

Judith looked over and pointed to the puddle with a giggle. "Peepee?"

"No Judy." Lilia replied, trying to be as calm as possible. "Can you run inside and get someone?"

"Yah!" Judith replied and got to her feet, Rick and Michonne arriving two seconds later.

"I can't tell if I've pissed myself or my water has broke?!"

"Don't stain the deck." Rick said, not really paying attention to what Lilia was saying.

Michonne smacked his arm. "Her water broke, you idiot. The baby is coming!"

Rick's eyes widened. "Shit. What do we do?"

"I should be asking you guys that!" Lilia let out a groan. "Shit..."

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