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As soon as I found out that Rosita was going to Hilltop, I had to go with her. It took a lot of convincing, but eventually she gave in. 'Only to shut me up', so Rosita said.

When I told Carl he denied it and wouldn't let me go. I swore and said I'd come back. He didn't like the idea of letting me go without him, but it would only be for a few days. I said I'd take a gun with me just incase, leaving my bow at home.

Rosita and I took a vehicle and walked the rest of the way up to the gates. It was nice to see Maggie greeting us at the gates, despite her not knowing about our arrival. Rosita said hello to Maggie but couldn't chat for long, she needed to talk to Sasha.

I wrapped my arms around Maggie in another tight hug like last time.

"Well isn't it my favourite leader?" I said quietly.

"Don't tell Rick you said that." Maggie chuckled. "I'm not a leader."

"I doubt that. Am I okay to stay?" I ask.

"Always, and also, someone may be happy to see you here too." She hinted.

"Who?" I tilt my head.

"Just you wait." She brushed it off. "How are you?"

"I should be asking you that. How's the baby?" I laughed.

"He's doing good." She replied. "I finally have a name."

"Am I allowed to know?" I asked.

"Nope. Only if you guess it." She answered with a sly smile.

"Damm it." I groaned.

"You should go say hi to Enid, she's pretty stressed with all this training stuff." She pointed to the girl who was working on some crops.

"Sure, I'll see you later?" I asked and adjusted my bag on my shoulder.

"Find me later so I can show you where you can stay, okay?" She asked and I nodded before I went over to Enid. I haven't spoke to her in a while

"Enid!" I shouted and she looked up and once she saw me she smiled. She came over to me and greeted me with a hug.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming!" She smiled.

"Neither did I until earlier. But it's good to be here. How are you coping with things around here?" I asked.

"They're good, training is difficult. But it'll be worth in in the end." She nodded. "Also, I'm not sure if Maggie told you but..your dad is here."

My eyes widened for a seconded but then shrugged. In a way I knew that my dad wouldn't stay at the Kingdom. "I don't blame him, he thought it as a looney town."

Enid let out a chuckled as I looked down at the crops. "Can I help with anything?" She nodded hesitantly. "That would be nice, after you've settled your stuff of course."


I turned and smile to Jesus, who was coming towards Enid and I. "What are you doing here? I saw Rosita just now." He asked smiling.

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