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I yawned and stretched, over joyed that I had slept uninterrupted.

I jumped off dad's tall bed, accidentally knocking my pants off in the process. These things were just too large for me. I quickly adjusted them to my body and slipped out of the room.

I smelt my dads strong scent so I knew he was here. Then there was the smell of food.

I grinned and ran down the stairs, careful not to trip over the pants, knowing how clumsy I am, I would tumble down all these stairs.

"Dad!" I exclaimed loudly, "Food!"

I went to him as he stood at the stove frying bacon and gave him a tight squeeze to his waist before settling at the kitchen table.

I waited patiently for him to finish cooking before digging into the steaming pancakes that were in front of me. I had some will power and self-control when it came to food.

"Say blessing Iris" he reminded me as he sat down.

Obviously knowing I was about to attack this food once his tush touched the chair.

I said a quick prayer before stuffing a whole piece of bacon in my mouth. I moaned in satisfaction before stuffing another piece in my mouth.

"Don't choke again" he warned as he cut into his pancakes.

I gave him a lopsided smile and sliced the large pancake in half and stuffing it in my mouth.
I loved to eat.

Almost done with my first pancake I felt as if I was going to explode.

I pushed my plate away and leaned back in my chair, rubbing my stomach.

"Thank you, dad" I said, smiling in gratitude. He was the best cook I knew and he cooked for me every day, except for his birthday that was all me!

"You're welcome"

We sat in a comfortable silence, I stared up at the ceiling thinking of Alpha. I couldn't get him out of my mind. Last night I even dreamt of him. But is he my mate? In my Mates Handbook, it only talks about a full moon, how mates should treat each other, and how to complete the mating process.

It never talked about how you know you've found your mate, or how you should feel...

"Iris!" My dad shouted, snapping me out of day dreaming.

"Yes dad?"

"I asked what did you want to do today since your graduation party was ruined yesterday." He said

"I had a party?" I asked surprised.

I've only had a few parties, but since I didn't have many friends and all the people came because the Beta asked them too, they weren't very fun.

He nodded his head, "Yeah. It was a surprise."

I smiled at my dad, "Awe thanks dad. That's sweet, sorry I ruined it" I said, suddenly feeling bad.

"Oh princess come here" he stated opening his arms wide for me. I jumped off my chair and into his arms.

He hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head, "How are you feeling?" He asked

I shrugged, "I feel fine. The feeling of fire igniting throughout me has gone away" I stated and sat up in his lap.

"Good. I'll give you more later nothing 'ignites'  again" he said

I looked up at him, "Did I really find my mate?" I asked

He gave me a little smile, "Yes you did" he said

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