CH. 8

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"Whe-where was everybody?" I asked with a little hesitation in my voice.

We had reached the corridor inside the house, in which he turned his back and began to part ways with me. I stuck out my hand to grasp his wrist and he paused mid step.

 I stuck out my hand to grasp his wrist and he paused mid step

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I just wanted to talk. We had not sat down to have a conversation about whatever situation this was. All there was were his demands and silent glares. I did not understand why he wanted me here so bad if he was going to treat me in such a harsh manner.

"Please" I begged, bringing his hand to cradle in my palms.

He turned his head to the right side of him, looking over me and not at me. I gave his hand a gentle tug, to showcase my desperation, and he instantly snatched it away.

I jumped back at the sudden action, scared that maybe he would hit me for touching him. Instead, he walked away. His ponytail swaying as if he were walking aggressively.

I put my head down and walked the way to my bedroom. I made him mad again and only God knows what the consequences are.

The mates handbook mentioned, many times, that mates have a special connection that is only detectable between the two individuals. I was supposed feel his emotions and he, mine. However, our connection won't appear until he marks me and because if that, I have no clue how he feels towards me now. My only clues were his actions, which made me believe that his emotions towards me could not be anything positive.

I pushed opened the door to my room only to come face to face with him.
In a fluid motion, his arm snaked around my waist and he pulled me to him. His other hand pushed a few hairs away from my face before grasping the back of my neck gently.

I gripped his forearms in fear that I would faint from his touch.
His touch and the way he was glaring at me made it all too overwhelming.

"Alpha?" I said wishfully

Instead of answering, he lifted me from my feet and walked me to my bed. He sat down with me in his lap.

"You're getting taller" he said nuzzling his face into my neck, taking in my scent.
I nodded and ran my fingers through his hair.

"A whole four inches in a day" I said

"I've never heard of that happening before."

I laughed, "My dad says it's because of finding my mate and awakening my wolf"

He pulled away and we locked eyes, "You haven't shifted yet?"

I shook my head 'no'.

I mean, technically you're not suppose to meet your mate and then awaken your wolf. It's the other way around.

I really did not want to continue this conversation because we both know what couldn't happen if I hadn't shifted yet. More disappointing for him than me.

When we are born, we are born pure. Or as humans would say, virgin. Once we shift, we have lost our virtue and become the tainted wolf we are meant to be. It also means we can find our mate and ya know...mate and have babies.

A female wolf who has not shifted cannot mate. The possibility of becoming infertile and physically disabled is extremely high if you mate before you shift. I suppose it doesn't hurt to throw in the right of your pack to shun you.

"Great.." I heard him whisper to himself.

I bit my lip, beginning to feel ashamed. I wanted to shift, but it just hasn't happened.

"I'm sorry"

He grunted and rubbed his rough hand over my thigh but I pushed away from him and climbed out of his lap.

I sat next to him on my bed, "Are we going to talk now?"

I think I deserved an explanation for being ripped from my pack when it seemed as though he did not want me.

"You are my mate and you belong to me. That's just the natural order of things"
"And you want me?" I asked as I unconsciously held my breath in. Belonging to someone and wanting someone are two different ways of possession.

I could sense that he was uncomfortable from my question but if he doesn't want to answer my questions then he can leave.

"I don't know yet. I was not expecting you or how weak you are." His honest words made my heart sink. Especially since all I wanted was a mate who wanted and loved me. However, I could understand to an extent. At my age, I should not be so weak and unshifted, especially being a betas daughter. But I trust myself, I know that will change soon.

"Why did you almost destroy my pack?" I asked, changing the topic.

"I was looking for you. If you had come a second later, I would've killed everyone there." His body began to visibly shake as his hands balled into fists. I laid my hand on his leg and rested my head on his shoulder. It felt like an natural instinct to calm him down.

"Is that how you typically handle things? Are you always so careless and harsh?" I asked as my grip tightened on his leg. If I had my claws, I would've drew blood.
That pack is all I have, even if I only see them a few times a year. They have loved me unconditionally.

He was quick to slap my hand away and stand to his full height. His loud growl shook something in me that had me narrow my eyes as I looked at him.

"What? Did I make you upset?" I asked in a condescending tone. I crossed my legs in front of him, just watching. Waiting. I wanted to know if that is what he's truly like. The look in his eyes as he snatched me from my father, it's one of a monster and I will never forget it.

"You better pray that you never see the monster I can be." His eyes turned dark as he growled out at me. I tried to fight against his stare but my body couldn't stand against him, not without my wolf.

I dropped to one knee and I bowed before my Alpha.
I was thinking, wouldn't it be funny watching Jason Momoa go through a window? 😂 He's so big, idk how it would work!
Haha anyways, I'm editing this book with him in mind.

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