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Billy. Billy is roughly fifteen minutes and thirty seven seconds older than me. When I was a little girl I remember my mom telling me about how Billy cried the entire fifteen minutes of his life outside of the womb. She said that the only thing that got him to calm down was when the doctor pulled me out and placed me on my mothers chest next to him. She said that the second our fingers touched he felt safe again.

We were best friends. We would ride our bikes to school together. We would climb trees together. We would even fake sick together in order to get out of going to school. When dad would come home drunk and causing one of his scenes we would hide in the hall closet together. We were inseparable.

That all changed when my mother left. She left our father and his abusive ways. She also left her children. And since mom wasn't around to take the heat of it dad took it out on Billy who in turn, took out on me and eventually Max.

Billy became this broken little boy. But he grew into this person that I honestly don't even recognize. He's not the boy I grew up with anymore. I'm not even sure if that boy is still in there. If he is he's deep, deep inside.


"Hey." I said as I saw Max getting up and getting ready.

"Hey." She said not realizing that I had woken up.

"So, what are your plans for today?" I asked her.

"I was just gonna go to the arcade. Billy said he'd give me a ride." She said.

"He said that or my dad is making him?" I asked know Billy would never volunteer to be chauffeur on a Saturday.

"Most likely the second one." She said grabbing her clothes.

"Hey, I'm sorry, by the way." I told her out of no where.

"For what?" She asked.

"For how I've treated you." I admitted.

"You've treated me alright." She said. "A hell of a lot better than Billy."

"I just... I'm not good with letting people in, you know? There was only one person I've ever really trusted and-" I paused. "Now it's just hard for me to open up. I'm sorry for never letting you in."

"Are you talking about Adam?" She asked.

I stared at her for a moment, wiping a stray tear from my eye, before speaking again. "Anyway, don't let Billy's bullshit get to your head. He's a dick."

"I know." She said softly. "I just- why does he have to be so..."

"Mean?" I asked finishing her sentence. "Billy's been through a lot. I know, that doesn't make up for any of the shit he's done and will continue to do but I think...he's broken."

"You've been through a lot too, you know." She said. "Your dad, when he beats Billy, Billy takes it out on you. Why?"

"I don't know." I said. "My dad is a very abusive person. He um, he used to hit me too. But I never pushed him the way Billy does so, I didn't get it half as bad as he did."

"I'm sorry." She said. "My dad sucks but he would never hit me."

"Yeah, well, after a while you just get used to it." I said. "But hey, if Billy ever tries to hurt you tell me. I can take it, I'm used to it. You don't deserve that shit."

"Neither do you." She said.

"Just promise you'll tell me, okay?" I pleaded. Max hesitantly nodded.


After  Max had left to the arcade I decided to stop by the Wheelers and see if everything was okay. I borrowed Max's bike and was on my way. Max wouldn't mind seeing as she skates everywhere. She hardly ever uses her bike anymore.

I ride up to the driveway where I see Dustin and Steve. Dustin is getting into Steve's car and Steve is trailing behind him.

"Hey!" I call to them causing them to turn their heads. "Is Nancy home?"

Dustin stared at me a second before speaking. "Leave your bike."

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"Leave your bike and hop in." He said getting into the front seat and shutting the door. I look to Steve who wears a just as confused expression. Then, Dustin opens his door and speaks again. "Nancys not home. Do you want to come with us or not?"

I looked down at my bike before lookin go back at them. I leave the bike in the wheelers yard and begin walking to the car. I climb into the back seat.

"Steve, this is Y/n, my girlfriend. Y/n, this is Steve." Dustin introduced.

"Okay one, not your girlfriend." I clarified.

"Eh, worth a shot." He sighed.

"Two, we know each other." I stated.

"She's right. She's kind of my therapist." Steve said.

"Three, where the hell are we going?" I asked.

"Remember Dart?" Dustin asked.

Steve Harrington X-reader •~• Summer NightsWhere stories live. Discover now