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Sodapop POV

The next day at work was a slow day. Boy, it was mighty slow. The girls and the Socs were all at school, which meant no flirting and no showing off. We were lucky if we had a customer an hour.

"Hey Steve, drop this in the register," I said, flipping a dime in his direction.

I grabbed a Coke from the counter and took a swig. The phone in the back rang, and Steve and I looked at each other. "I'll get it!" we yelled in unison.

Steve beat me to the receiver. "This is Steve from the DX; how can I help you?" he asked into the phone. He gave a quick nod to himself before he handed the phone to me. "It's Darry," he said.

I held the telephone to my ear. "What's up, Dare-bear?"

"I have another shift starting at five tonight, and Angel's in the hospital. I need you to make your way over here after work and sit with her."

I sat there, stunned. "Darry..."

"She's alright now, but she scared me somethin' awful."

"What happened-"

"I'll fill you in later," Darry said, hanging up.

I sat down on one of the faux-leather counter stools, my heart racing. I took another sip of my Coke, and I noticed my hand had a slight shake to it.

"Everything alright?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's alright."

"Okay... imma go add new rims to my car," Steve said, turning around to walk out of the DX.

"Ain't that car been through enough?" I asked.

Steve gave me a crooked smile. "Nah. Never," he said, walking away.

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