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Sodapop POV

The doctor came in again, after Angel had fallen asleep. "We got the test results back... we couldn't find anything."

I sighed in frustration. "So, it was just a fluke?"

"It appears so. We're discharging her, though. Just keep an eye on her, bring her back if anything seems abnormal."

I nodded. "Thanks, doc."

I gathered the few toys Angel had and dropped them in a bag. I swung the bag over my shoulder and picked Angel up gently, being careful not to wake her

When we got home, I laid her gently in her bed, drawing the covers up over her bare arms. I kissed her forehead and went to the phone.

I dialed the number Darry had given me, but he wasn't the one to pick up. "Can you pass a message to Darrel Curtis?" I asked as politely as I could.

"Sure thing," the lady on the other end said.

"Tell him that Angel is home from the hospital, and that nothing is wrong."

"So, I'll tell him that Angel is home from the hospital, and that nothing is wrong?"

"Yeah, you got it right."

"I'll pass it on, then."

"Thanks," I said, hanging up and dialing another number.

"What d'ya want," Buck's gruff voice answered on the other end.

"I wanna talk to Dallas. Is he there?"

"What does it mean to ya?"

"Just get Dallas for me, alright?"

I could hear him bring the phone away from his ear so he could yell for Dally. "Winston! Phone!" I heard him holler.

"Hey man," Dally said on the other end.

"Hey, um, Angel's home from the hospital. She's asleep right now."

"Is she alright?"

"The doc couldn't find anything wrong."

The phone was silent for a moment. "Dallas?"

I heard Buck yell something at Dally through the phone, and he hung up.

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