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Dally POV

"She's what!?" I shouted.

Ponyboy shrunk away. "She's in the hospital. She's okay, though, Dal," he said timidly, half-scared of me, I'm sure.

I stalked off, slamming the door. I hopped in Buck's car and sped down the streets, watching for cops from my mirrors. I nearly ran inside the hospital, arousing some suspicious looks.

"I'm here to see Angel Curtis," I told the lady at the front desk.

"Are you intermediate family?"

"I'm like a big brother to that kid."

"So, you are her older brother?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure."

She raised an eyebrow in suspicion, shaking her head. "Room thirty-seven."

I walked swiftly down the hall and around a corner, counting the door numbers as I went by. "Thirty-three...thirty-five..." I mumbled to myself. "Thirty-seven!"

I didn't bother knocking; I just went in. Sodapop was asleep in the chair, and Angel was drawing a picture, a fat red crayon in her hand.

"Heya, Angel," I grinned.

"Dally!" she smiled, giggling.

I sat on the edge of the hospital bed, right next to her. "Whatcha drawing?" I asked.

"You and me and we're at the park like last time!" she squealed, certainly proud of her art.

"You're such an angel," I said, rubbing her back.

"Dallas?" Sodapop asked sleepily.

"Yeah, it's me, stupid," I said, toughening up again. It only lasted a minute, though. The doctor came in and said visiting hours were over, and that only one family member could remain.

I took off my necklace, the one I always wore, and put it around Angel's neck. "I'll be back tomorrow. Pinky promise you won't go anywhere?"

Angel handled the sleek chain in her hand, running her fingers down the worn metal. She looked up at me and smiled with her big, brown eyes. "Pinky promise," she giggled, holding out her pinky. I wrapped mine around hers and gave her a hug.

"Keep me updated on everything," I told Soda before I headed out the hospital door.

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