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Darry POV

I sat in a chair next to Angel's hospital bed, anxiously looking at the clock. I couldn't be late for my shift, but Sodapop hadn't arrived, and I really didn't want to leave Angel alone. She was only six, after all.

Angel was seemingly fine, playing with her dolls. Two-Bit had been nice enough to stop at the house and swing 'em by for her. Now we were just waiting on test results.

Sodapop walked in briskly, slightly out of breath. "What's going on, Darry?"

"Angel stopped breathing, but she's okay now. They just wanna watch her for the next little bit, run some tests, maybe find out what caused it, so it doesn't happen again."

"Oh man, the poor kid. She's so young."

"I gotta get goin', just call this number if you need me back here," I said, handing Soda a piece of paper.

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