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Dally POV

I wandered over to the Curtis house, but all was silent when I entered. I figured Darry and Soda were at work, and Pony and Angel were probably at school. I walked to the kitchen and located the chocolate cake, digging in.

There was nothin' to do, no action, so I started down the street again. I sulked, as usual, and didn't even realize where I was going until I heard the joyful shouts of young children. I looked up and saw the elementary school, and the kindergarteners were playing on the little grass field.

I walked up and crouched by the fence. "Angel, hey, Angel!" I quietly shouted, trying not to draw too much attention to myself.

She whirled her head around, looking for the one calling for her, her eyes glowing when she spotted me. "Dally!"

She ran over to the fence where I was. "Hey kid," I grinned. Angel still had my necklace around her neck. I smiled to myself. "How ya doin', Angel?"

"Good! Come over the fence," she said.

I shook my head. "Sorry, Angel. I'm not allowed in there."

"But you said you can go anywhere," she pouted.

"I know I said that, but your teachers won't like it if I go in there. Only kids allowed. You know what, would you like to go to the park after school?"

Her face lit up. "Yeah! I love the park!"

"Angel, honey, get away from the fence!" her teacher suddenly called out from her spot next to the school.

"Listen kid, I gotta go. See ya later," I said, squeezing her hand through the fence before I walked away.

"Bye-bye, Dally!" she squealed, running away to play with her kindergarten friends.

As I watched her run and play with her friends from a distance, I smiled to myself. No wonder her parents named her Angel. That's exactly what she was.

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