The Torn Prince

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Royce Clayton was born in 1940, and was a gifted baseball player in high school, despite his attitude problems and superiority complex. A destined all-star player, he was offered scholarships from various colleges all offering him the best oportunity to leave his small town life.

However, when Royce was 17, a greaser named Johnny challenged him to a drag race, but unbeknowist to Royce, had cut a brake line in his car prior to the event. This, of course, caused Royce to lose control of the car; resulting in an accident which tore a large amount of flesh off of his chest, as well as the right side of his face. This incident quickly ended Royce's life. Royce's body was buried in a plot of earth overlooking the local baseball diamond.

--------------Layla's P.O.V-----------
"Jack?" Luke called out, searching every corner. But he was no where to be seen.

"Why don't we go find the others, maybe they have him?" I suggested. Jack was no where in sight, I sure hope he was safe. Hopefully this was just a prank he was pulling. And if it was, it wasn't a funny one.

"No, we have to keep looking" he told me.

"But we said-"

"Layla, we have to" he told me again, I sighed and agreed to continue looking for Jack. No matter how much I wanted to give up, because it was hopeless. I didn't have a clue where we where. For a basement, it was pretty big.

I starred long and hard at one on the cubicles, placing my hand onto the glass I examined the symbol that was printed. 'Why would Cyrus have symbols and Latin writing printed on the glass' I thought to myself. I was pulled out of my thoughts from a little scream, I jumped and accidentally pushed Jack into the cubicle that had opened.

"Why did you scream?" I asked him.

"Because the walls began to move" he said, now trapped inside the cubicle. He then looked around and saw he was trapped. "Good job Layla" he said sarcastically.

"Sorry" I looked down and saw the glasses that he had on where now on the floor. I picked them up and held them in my hands. Luke then let out a loud grunt and was,in a bending position.

"Luke what's the matter?" I asked running towards the glass. Out of the corner of my eye, in the lens of the glasses, I saw a figure moving behind Luke. I quickly put the glasses on and saw a boy, who looked about the age of 17. He was wearing a jacket and jock would where with the letter C on one side. His right side of the face was torn and wrecked and so was his chest. I was overwhelmed by the sight in front of me. The figure them lifted up his hands and I saw that his fist where clenched around a baseball bat.

"Luke don't turn-" as I was about to warm Luke, he turned and the mysterious figure swung the baseball bat at Luke, sending him flying to the other side of the cubicle. He slowly approached Luke, ready to take another swing.

"LUKE MOVE!" I yelled at him.

"What?" He asked in pain.

"Move. NOW!" I demanded and he quickly crawled over to the other side, the figure swung the bat and as it hit the glass, sparks flew everywhere. The figure then quickly turned to Luke who was now in a standing position against one side of the glass, and raised his bat once more.

"What is it I can't see anything!" He yelled back.

"LUKE DUCK!" He did as I instructed and ran to the back of the cubicle. The figure just missing him. I saw the figure become even more angry and he ran at Luke, his bat raised high. I noticed the cubicle had opened.

"LUKE GO THROUGH THE OPEN GAP NOW!" The figure swing the bat and Luke rolled under his legs and out of the cubicle, only to have it shut behind him. I let out a sigh of relief and rushed over to him, helping him into a standing position. I looked back at the glass and saw the figure smirk at me before dissapearing.

"Ow!" Luke grunted. He lifted his head to look at me.

"You're bleeding" I told him. He placed his hand on his forehead and them removed it, seeing his hands had some of his blood on there.

"Oh well" he shrugged.

"Are you ok?" I asked with concer. He gave a small smile and nodded.

"What was that?" He asked.

"I think....I think it was a ghost. Luke I think Dennis was right"

"Why couldn't I see anything?"

"I couldn't either, not until I put the glasses on"

"Right, you keep them on and if you see anymore, tell me ok" he then took ahold of my hand. "Come on, let's find the others before anymore show up"

---------------------Sarah's P.O.V-------------
Me and Dennis have ran down about five corridors now and I was getting tired, but thankfully he had stopped. But he then began to slowly back up. I already knew why. I was glad I couldn't see anything but concerned at the same time.

"What, who is it?" I asked Dennis.

"Sh" he just simply said.

"No, don't tell me to shush! Who is it". Dennis completely ignored me.

"Hey little boy" he gulped. He then raised his hand. "How" he sounded like he was trying to quote something from the film cowboys and Indians.

"Stop teasing the ghost!" I violently whispered to him.

"I'm not teasing the ghost!"

"Yes you are, you keeping pissing the off?" I said a bit louder. He then took my hand and began to walk off. "Dennis?"

"What?" He said stopping in his tacks.

"Can I rely on you not to get me killed?" I asked with fear. I was petrified and I had only seen one ghost so far. He just looked at me a gave a short snicker.

"I guarantee nothing" he said and walked off.

"Wait for me!" I said chasing after him.

----------------------Nick's P.O.V--------------
Me and Rachel had been walking, well running for what seemed like forever. But I bet it wasn't really that long. She had told me the best place to go was to the lita art as it had protection spells all over it and that it was the safest place in the house. What will the others say when they find out the not only Jack is missing, but Jamie is missing also. I don't understand how I lost her. She was right behind me.

Me and Rachel both finally found the stairs and I lent against one of the glass walls and let out a huge sigh.

"Ok genius, we found the stairs, how do we get to-"I began to say but she interrupted me.

"Get away" she said calmly.


"Get away from the glass!"


"Just do it!" I slowly turned to see a man standing behind me. He had nails dug into his skin and his left hand replaced with a hammer. Me and Rachel slowly began to back away, the ghost watching out every move. We both turned and bolted for the stairs, Rachel going up first.

"Come on" she said as she got to the top. Before I could step on the first step, I heard the sound of sliding glass. I looked back to see that the glass wall, that was separating the ghost from us, had gone.

"Oh Shit!" My eyes growing wide with horror.

Sorry that this chapter is a bit shot, anyway I really hope you enjoyed it. :)<3

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