The Black Zodiac

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The Black Zodiac is a zodiac consisting of thirteen earth-bound spirits which will activate Bacillus's Machine and open the Ocularis Infernum.
The order in which the ghosts are placed on the zodiac seems to be based on how dangerous they are (with the exception of The First Born Son, who is threatening regardless of being the first ghost, while the next three seem benign, or at least unable to do damage).

---------------Luke's P.O.V-----------
Thankfully enough, we where a few steps away from the library. It has been too much for one night and I can't not wait to get out of this house. I felt something sharp hit the back of my neck. I stopped and gasped, placing my hand at the back on my neck I found a small gash had appeared. I then looked to the floor and saw a stray jacket, my head rose higher and I saw a head inside a cage standing behind Layla.

"Layla look out!" I yelled. The ghost let out a piercing laugh and threw Layla up against the glass wall, scratching at her back viciously. As Layla's screams increased, the amount of scratches increased.. The others turned and ran back towards us. Rachel lit up a flair, throwing it straight at the ghost, causing the ghost to back off. Nick helped me lift up Layla and we ran. The library was in sight.

"In here!" Rachel ordered, we bolted in and forced the glass wall shut, the ghost disappearing after it had hit the glass. I placed Layla down on a chair and kneeled beside her.

"Layla are you ok?" I asked, checking her back. I placed my hand on one of the scratches and she cried out in pain.

"That was the same thing that attacked Jamie!" Nick blurted out.

"Where is she anyway?" Sarah asked,

"She disappeared after that thing attacked us" Nick explained.

"Oh great so we have two people to look for!" Dennis said in annoyance.

"But this is all your god damn fault!" Rachel screamed. "If you hadn't helped Cyrus capture them we wouldn't be running from them now would we!"

"It's her uncle that built the damn house!" Dennis fired back pointing at Layla.

"Yes but you helped him! How could you help him without knowing what he was doing!" She yelled. If blood could boil hers would. Me, Nick and Sarah watched in amusement at the two bickered.

"I had my reasons" he said simply.

"Money you idiot! You stole people's souls for money! How depraved is that?" She questioned.

"Incase you didn't notice" he began to say slowly. "IM A LITTLE BIT OF A FREAK!" He screamed finally. "I come within ten feet of anything dead I go into seizures. I touch somebody and a whole life full of shit just flashes before my eyes. Alright so yeah I'm depraved, but Cyrus is my friend and accepted me so." He finished by giving her the finger. She let out a sarcastic laugh.

"He didn't except you, you're so pathetic. HE USED YOU" she explained to him.

"Please both of you just shut up!" Layla yelled

"Yeah, our friends are in trouble and we don't know how to help them!" I said.

"Layla, you can save her, your friends too. Just listen to me and believe me" Rachel said, taking a seat opposite me. I saw that she was holding a book in her hands. Me, Nick and Sarah came to Layla's side.

"This house is not a house, it is a machine" she began to explain. We all listened carefully to what she had to say. "It is a complete and faithfully recreation of Bacillus's design. According to this, there should be twelve earth bound spirits trapped inside" she said opening the book. "See these?" We all took a closer look and saw she was pointing to different symbols, symbols that where on the cubicles that contained the ghosts. "They represent the black Zodiac, they represent the ghosts that Cyrus needed to catch" she then turned pages, on each page had a different picture and she began to name the ghosts,

"The First Born Son, The Torso, The Bound Woman, The Withered Lover, The Torn Prince, The Angry Princess, The Pilgrimess, The Great Child And The Dire Mother, The Hammer, The sign of hells winter:The Jackal and the Juggernaut. According to Ocularis the machine needs the energy from these pacific spirits in order to bring it to life. Once if engages, the spirits are released one by one. The house then draws them to it's centre, each one adds it's enery to the machine powering it up"

"Powering it up for what" Sarah asked curiously.

"To open the ocularis infernum" Rachel answered.

"The ocularis, what's that?" Nick asked looking directly at her.

"It's Latin!" I explained to them "ocularis?" I said trying to figure it out and then I knew. "The eye of hell?" Once the words escaped my lips, Dennis' head shot up.

"Very good!" Rachel answered

"The eye of he'll, this is fucking stupid" Sarah said to herself.

"Carry on!" Layla said glaring at Sarah.

"In hell there's an eye that sees everything, the past, the future, the blessed and the damned. If knowledge is power, the man who controls the Ocularis with be the most powerful man on earth" Rachel paused and then took a deep breath. "Your uncle"

"So, how many ghost have been set free?" I asked curiously.

"Eleven, and the house needs twelve" she told us.

"No" Dennis began to say. "Your friend when I first met you, Damon said something about thirteen. That there are thirteen ghosts" this caught all of our attention and we began to panic.

"The thirteenth ghost is a fail-safe. In order to stop the process the house needs a sacrifice of life, instead of death." Rachel then looked at Layla. "A willing human sacrifice. It is the only ghost left to be created. The only ghost to be created out of pure love" Rachel finished. Dennis then looked at Layla, sympathy in his eyes.

"You're the thirteenth ghost Layla" he said slowly.

Hey guys, I really hope this chapter didn't seem to boring, if it did then I am really sorry. Next update will be soon :)<3

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