The Pilgrimess, The Great Child And The Dire Mother

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During colonial times, Isabella Smith sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to New England in search of a better life. But as the tight-knit townsfolk didn't trust outsiders, Isabella became isolated from the rest of the town.

When the town's livestock began to die mysteriously shortly after her arrival, Isabella was accused by the local preacher of witchcraft. She denied the claim, but then the preacher fell ill, and the town quickly turned against her. They cornered Isabella in a barn, which they lit on fire, but she emerged completely unscathed. So instead, Isabella was sentenced to a slow, painful death in the stocks, where passers-by stoned her, cursed at her and spat at her until she eventually died of starvation.

Margaret grew to a mere three feet in height, and even her own mother would sometimes dress her like a doll. She could never stand up for herself, and was constantly stared at and picked on for her small size. Seeking acceptance, Margaret joined Jimbo's carnival, but found this life as an attraction for people to goggle at horrible.

While Margaret was sweeping up the donkey pen one night, the Tall Man attacked and raped her, causing her to give birth to Harold. Margaret never stopped spoiling Harold as he grew, causing him to remain in diapers his entire life, but Margaret didn't care. One day, the circus workers kidnapped Margaret as part of a cruel joke and kept her in a sack, where she suffocated.

Born to Margaret Shelburne as a result of a rape, Harold was raised in a carnival as an attraction and his mother's protector. Because Margaret never stopped spoiling him as he grew, Harold not only weight 136 kg by infancy, but somehow retained his child-like mindset his entire life to the point that he never got out of diapers. Because of this, Harold and Margaret were taunted and teased at every turn.

One day, some circus workers kidnapped Margaret as a cruel joke on Harold. In a rage-fueled search for his mother, Harold ransacked most of the carnival, and when he found her, she had suffocated in the bag the workers had kept her in. Enraged, Harold killed the circus workers responsible for Margaret's manslaughter with an axe and put their remains on display for paying customers. When the carnival broker, Jimbo, found out what Harold had done, he ordered an angry mob to confront and murder Harold.

--------------------Luke's P.O.V------------
We needed to find the others. So far we haven't ran into anymore ghost, but we kept hearing evil laughs, groaning and screams. But they where not human. I had led Layla out of the basement and up the stairs, in an attempt to find the others.

"Where could they be?" Layla asked in Frustration.

"I have no idea? You don't think they got out of the house do you?" I asked asked. But I didn't get an answer, She was looking straight ahead of her, almost as if she was frozen. "Layla?" I asked staring at her. I took the glasses off of her and put them on. I gagged. In front of my stood a man, glaring at both me and Layla, wearing diapers and a bib with green stuff all over it. He was huge! I looked down at his right hand and saw that he had his hand clutched around an axe. I then looked down at his left hand and saw it was attached to another. The hand belonged to a small woman, who was about 3 feet tall. She was wearing a purple dress and her hair was in ponytails, a small smile had formed on her lips.

"Layla, come on let's go!" I whispered, tugging at her hand. But she was still. The look on her face showed that she was petrified. I yanked her arm but she wouldn't budge. The man and the small woman then began to slowly take steps towards us.

"Layla, we're gonna get killed, come on!" I tried pulling her with me but she wouldn't move. They where getting closer, the man slowly raising the acme into the air. I let go of Layla's hand and flung her over my shoulder, taking off down the left corridor away from them. We finally got to the end of the corridor, only to have what look like a witch press her face up against the glass. I jumped and almost dropped Layla, causing her to wake. I grabbed her hand and took of running down the next available corridor.

--------------------Nick's P.O.V-----------------

The ghost smirked as soon as the glass had gone. He slowly stepped out and walked towards me, quickening his pace with every step. I grilled tightly onto the ladder and placed my foot onto the first step, looking back I now saw that the ghost was running towards me, the hammer he had for a hand raised into the air.

I let out a small scream and climbed the ladder as fast as I could, slipping as I got near to the top. Rachel grabbed ahold of my hand and tried to pull me up. Finally, I managed to get off of the ladder and onto the top floor just in time before the ghost could reach me. We then bumped into someone and let out loud screams, only to find that it was Dennis and Sarah.

"What are you doing here!?" Dennis asked Rachel, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Me? What are you doing here?" Rachel screeched.

"Who the hell is she?" Sarah yelled

"I'll explain later!" Dennis answered.

"Woah you two know each other?" I asked

"Yes!" Rachel answered. "Look we have to get to the library. It's the only place that will keep us safe" Rachel said.

"WAIT!" We heard a voice scream from behind us. "Wait for us!" We turned to see Luke running down the corridor towards us, Layla following close behind.

"Is she ok?" I asked.

"Yes! Where are we going?" Luke panted.

"To the library!" Rachel told him.

"Well if we are going let's go!" Dennis demanded.

"Wait!" Rachel said. She then pulled out two pairs of glasses from her bag and handed them to Layla and Sarah. After she had done that, we all took off running, following Rachel down to the liabary.

Next update will be soon :)<3

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