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Purple: Love
Pink: Embarrassed/ Flattered
Yellow: Happy
Orange: annoyed/frustrated
Red: angry/furious
Green: Envy/Jealousy
Y/H/C : calm/neutral
Blue: sad/distressed
Gray: confused
Dark red: scared/ terrified
White: mixed emotions

Present Day

"DADDDD!" I yelled through the house. Where could this man be?
Suddenly the front door opened.

"Hello my little sport! Did you practice your flying today?" My father asks as I jump on his back.

"She's been hanging out with Harry most of the day, then she got some exciting news in the mail. She hasn't had time for any practice." My mum stated obviously implying about my letter.My dad puts me down on the couch.

"Oh?" He says quite a bit intrigued.

I pull the letter, still wrapped, from my pocket.
"How exciting! Go on, open it!"
Upstairs, 2nd bedroom to the left
3 Privet Drive

Dear Y/n Black

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1 . We await your owl by no later than July 31.

I wish the best for you.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

I didn't question the last name, I knew I was adopted...Except, I still have no idea who my real father and mother are, there's probably many people in the wizarding world with the last name "Black". And I figured, if my Mum and Dad didn't tell must not be right for me to know.

"I'm excited!" Mum says.

"When are we going to Diagon Alley?"

"Well...we won't be going with you...Instead you will be going with Hagrid."

"But Dad, you will see me off to the train still right?"

"Of course we will. " Mum interrupts him before he can say anything more.
"Now, go to your room and get some rest. You have a busy day tomorrow."

"Alright..." I say as I head upstairs.

I get ready for bead and lay down.

"For in dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own..."

The voice faded out.

I woke up...I wasn't in my bedroom, but I was still in a familiar the corner of the room stood a crib with a baby inside it.

I walked over to the baby, as I got closer I could tell it was a girl. She looked quite like me, except, her hair. It was rapidly changing colors. Suddenly a man entered. He looked a lot like the baby, a lot like me...

"Mi Amor?" A woman's voice yelled.

The man looked towards the stairs

"Yes, Love?" The man yelled towards the stairs.

"The Potters are here!"

"How delightful!" The man said as he started carrying the baby and himself down the stairs. I followed.
When I reached the bottom I saw a man who looked exactly like Harry, the Harry I know, Harry Potter. This couldn't have been a coincidence.

"How's our little Y/n doing?" Lily asked and she poked the baby's nose softly.
She had glowing green eyes much like Harry.

"She looks a lot like you Sirius." James said

"Unwle Pongs!" Baby me said stretching my
hands to him.

"Yes...that's me." The James said letting the baby hold his finger.

"Pafoo?" Baby Harry spoke up.

"Tis' me little one!" Sirius said.

I looked down, in confusion trying to make sense of this, when I noticed my hair was rapidly changing colors.



Forest Green.

Neon Blue.

Suddenly there was a whirl of light around me. I was in a room with Harry's mom, while younger Harry and I sat in a crib.

She was singing some song...telling us to calm down. We were crying, she was crying!...why were we crying?

Suddenly I heard yelling and screaming from the stairs and looked to see a green light.

A man came up the stairs with a dark hood.
"Lily Potter..." A dark raspy voice spoke.


"Stupid woman!" the man sneered. "AVADA KADAVRA!"

Green light shot out from his wand and hit Lily.

The man that just killed Harry's parents and my mom walked to the two children in the crib. I couldn't move I was paralyzed he suddenly pointed the wand at the crib. But I couldn't see anything before...

Another whirl of light engulfed me.

I woke up in my bed again. It was morning. I wanted to see more, to know more.

I was about to run downstairs and tell my parents about my dream when I hair.
I ran to my mirror, it was still changing very quick.







How am I supposed to explain this?

We Can't Promise⛔️ DISCONTINUED⛔️*check out my new book(s)*Where stories live. Discover now