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Purple: Love
Pink: Embarrassed/ Flattered
Yellow: Happy
Orange: annoyed/frustrated
Red: angry/furious
Green: Envy/Jealousy
Y/H/C : calm/neutral
Blue: sad/distressed
Gray: confused
Dark red: scared/ terrified
White: mixed emotions


Soon we had reached London and started walking down the road while Harry was reading his list.

I was glancing around nervously seeing anyone had noticed my hair turning a dark blue.

"Are we supposed to find all this in London?" Harry says.

"Only if you know where to go." Hagrid answers give me a look.

Hagrid opens the door. Harry walks in then Hagrid,then me as I shut the door behind us. Wanting to keep my hair hidden a stand behind Hagrid hiding from a majority of the room.

"Ah Hagrid! Usual I presume?" A man standing behind the counter asks.

"No 'anks, Tom, I'm on official 'Ogwarts business. Just helpin' young 'Arry and Y/n 'ere buy their school supplies!" Hagrid says with a slight wink.

"Bless my's Harry Potter!" Toms says. Meanwhile I'm thankful no one has taken in my presence. The pub goes completely silent. As a few whispers go about.

"It's really them!" A female voice says.
" 'them'?" Another feminine voice piped in.

"Yes! Harry Potter and Y/n Scamander!" The first female voice replies.

"She's not actually a Scamander you know. They only took her in. Her real last names...Black." A male voice says.

"You mean to say-" the feminine voice says before she gets interrupted by the man.
"Yes." He finishes.

Too distracted from the whispers I didn't notice Hagrid and Harry walk away. "My what's going on with your hair?" Tom whispers.

"I'm not sure..." I say.

"Well stick close to Hagrid!" Tom says gleefully as he points to Hagrid talking to a man.

"Harry, Y/n, this right 'ere is Professor Quirrel. He teaches Defen' Against the Dark Ar's at Hogwarts."

"Oh well then nice to meet you." Harry says as we both stick out our hands for him to shake. Instead...he shrivels back as if he were fearful of us. Harry and I share a glance as we put our hands down.

"F-F-Fascinating s-subject! N-not that y-you need it h-hey?" Quirrel says.
Obviously something is up; whatever it is...I don't like it.

"Let's be going now! Lots to buy!" Hagrid chuckles semi-awkwardly.

"See Harry, Y/n! You're famous!" Hagrid says as we walk towards a dead end.

"But why are we famous Hagrid? All those people back there, how is it they new our names?" Harry asks, obviously having no idea who he is.

"Not quite sure I'm the righ' person' to tell you lot that." Hagrid says.

I look down shamefully as I can feel Harry's eyes on me. While hagrid touches the wall in front of us with his umbrella
"Are you alright? You look kinda pale and your hair is white..."

I sight and give Harry a soft smile "I'm alright Harry, I promise."
He gives me an unsure look as I look away.

"Y/n, Harry? Welcome to Diagon Alley."

We Can't Promise⛔️ DISCONTINUED⛔️*check out my new book(s)*Where stories live. Discover now