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My eyes immediately go up to the ceiling as I hear Hermiones voice saying "it's not the actual sky, you know, it's just bewitched to look like the light sky.
I read it, in Hogwarts: a History."

We walk past the pupils of the class the twins giving me a 'low'-five  as I walk past.

We reach the front of the as McGonagall introduces Dumbledore, and he stands to give his speech.

After he's finished McGonagall opens her scroll and starts reading off names, my scar on my shoulder starts burning but I decide to ignore it.

Hermione and Ron both get put into Gryffindor; Draco in Slytherin. Soon Harry's name is called. The hall goes silent as Harry steps up. The hat takes a long time as Harry chants 'not Slytherin' soon the hat decides to put him in Gryffindor.

"We got Potter! We got Potter!" The twins yell.

"Y/n ...Scammander?"

I walk up. And McGonagall places the hat on my head.

"Hm... yes obviously ambitious able to do powerful things Slytherin would be perfect! But you are very intelligent...very. Ravenclaw would best suit you there. But brave brave as you are ambitious! Gryffindor would also be perfect! But you're also sweet, yes kind very."

The hat goes quiet for a few seconds.

"I have no idea where to put you it hasn't been like this since..."

I silently beg him not to say it.

"Sirius Black." A few whispers of older students go around the room.

"He wanted to be with his friends as did your mother,as do you.... Slytherin would be a perfect fit...but you'd be better off in..."


I get up from the chair and walk to a seat next to Harry. As I sit down the twins obnoxiously yell,


"Jeez I'm surprised on how my hearing still works!" I yell towards the twins. They gave me a fake dirty look.

After a visit from Sir Nicholas and a trip up the moving stairs....
*Fast forward to the next day *

Hermione decided to wake me up extra early, and skip breakfast all because she wanted to get to McGonagall's class early! if you ask me I found it to be quite rude! But whatever I could hopefully copy off her for notes and stuff... so as long as I'm kind to her it shouldn't be that bad. Harry and Ron burst into the room and McGonagall lectures them for being late if I'm being honest, I wasn't really paying attention, I was reading a book about Quidditch. It's one of my favorite sports, but first years cant try out. I wish though my dad says I'm good enough to go pro...personally I think he's just saying that because he's my dad.

Surprisingly I make it though the class without being called on or any questions about my hair.

But next is potions...Snape isn't my favorite teacher to say the least. But if I'm being fair his lesson was pretty cool. Although Harry wasn't paying attention, instead he was taking notes. I guess Snape got mad at him. Whatever, not that it really matters, only we lost house points!

Next it was lunch, A boy named Seamus blew up his water goblet trying to turn it into rum.

"Someone broke into the vault Hagrid, Yn,and I went to yesterday..." Harry whispered towards me and Ron. We all share a glance but have no time to discuss it as next it was flying class.

On the way there I had a conversation with Neville, with his remembrall glowing red, trying to help him find out what he could've possibly forgotten. Once we reach the lawn my hair starts becoming a bright yellow with anticipation for flying.

"Good afternoon, class."

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch." We all chorus back.

" your first flying lesson."

We Can't Promise⛔️ DISCONTINUED⛔️*check out my new book(s)*Where stories live. Discover now