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Purple: Love
Pink: Embarrassed/ Flattered
Yellow: Happy
Orange: annoyed/frustrated
Red: angry/furious
Green: Envy/Jealousy
Y/H/C : calm/neutral
Blue: sad/distressed
Gray: confused
Dark red: scared/ terrified
White: mixed emotions


After I get out of the shower I pick an outfit to wear. I decided on a red over sized hand-me-down short sleeve shirt and jeans and put my hair in a pony tail beacuse at this point, who cares?
"Hello Hagrid!" My father says from downstairs.

I quickly exit my room and run to Hagrid and give him a huge hug. Hagrid has always been a huge part of my life. And believe it or not, so have The Weasleys, along with Narcissa and Draco Malfoy. Not Lucius, no one likes him.

Draco and I get along well! He doesn't actually hate muggle-borns, He just wants his father to appreciate him, notice him even. Which I can understand. I myself am always seeking parental validation. My Dad notices and appreciates my efforts and makes sure to show that he's proud of me everyday. My mum however is always pushing me to do more. For example, I'm fluent in Spanish, and decent in French. I love to speak French because almost no one I know understands it.

"Hagrid! how are you?" Mum asks.

"I'm doin' well. I got' 'Arry on the mo'orcycle out 'ere."

"I was just about to ask you if he was to join this year. I guess I should've-" my dad cuts himself off noticing my hair.

"Oh dear, oh my." Dad states quite worriedly

"I'll be alright dad! I'm gonna be with Hagrid and Harry! I'm sure Harry's gonna get a lot more attention. And Hagrid well, he'll keep us safe! Won't you Hagrid?" I state trying to ease my fathers nerves about my hair.

"O' course lit'le love."

To put it plainly, the name: "Little Love", is a name that's been given to me by my entire family that none of them let go. Which I wish the would.

"Wait how are you Harry and I all going to fit on the bike?"

"Well I added 2 like basket 'ings on the side o' the bike for you and 'Arry to sit."

"Alright. Darling be careful." My dads says.

"I'll be fine dad. Bye!"

"Y/n?!" Harry said shocked to see me,and my hair. I climbed into the seat on the side of the motorcycle.

"Surprise?" I say.

Soon we were off all the while Harry was bombarding Hagrid and I with tons and tons of questions. My hair glowing a deep purple.

We Can't Promise⛔️ DISCONTINUED⛔️*check out my new book(s)*Where stories live. Discover now