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enjoy the picture of my cat when we first got him lol.

Now it's Christmas time at Hogwarts.

"Harry, move your knight to E5." I whisper in his ear. I'm trying to make Ron win so he won't force me to play with him during the summer.

"Knight to E5." Harry says. Ron and I share a smug glance, as Hermione watches as Ron's queen go over to Harry's knight and whack the knight with her chair.

"That's barbaric!" She scolds.

"That's wizards chess!" Ron and I say in sync once again.

"I see you packed." Rons and I say in sync once again and we give each other a mean look.

"See you haven't!"

"Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there."

"Good, you can help Harry and Y/n then. They're  going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel."

"Guys we've looked a million times!" He groans.

"Not in the restricted section." She whispers to us. Then she leaves.

"I reckon we've had a bad influence on her." Ron and I say in sync AGAIN.
I slap him on his head.

"What was that for?!"

"For saying everything I say!"


"Shut up Ron." I laugh jokingly. "Im going to the library to get a head start, feel free to join me."

"We gonna keep playing, good luck." Harry says.

"Thanks, Harry."

And with that I'm on my journey to the library.

Sorry this is short it's kind of a filler again bc we're gonna have some real good stuff next chapter 🤩🤩

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