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Purple: Love
Pink: Embarrassed/ Flattered
Yellow: Happy
Orange: annoyed/frustrated
Red: angry/furious
Green: Envy/Jealousy
Y/H/C : calm/neutral
Blue: sad/distressed
Gray: confused
Dark red: scared/ terrified
White: mixed emotions

I fill in Snape on everything that has happened to me since I got my Hogwarts letter.

"Professor Snape...?"


"Do you cry? I understand that's a silly question, but do you cry? Out of regret, betrayal, or wishing you could save someone, but you were too late?"

"I do...sometimes..."

"If you don't mind my asking...who?"

"Two very dear friends of mine...Lily Potter and Marlene McKinnon."

" knew our mums?"

"Yes...your mom was like a little sister to me, along with Lily of course."

He started tearing up so I gave him a hug. In fact, he's acting more like a father to me than my own. They only things my dad really cares about are animals, work, and quidditch.

"I think it's about time to head off to bed, sleep well Y/n"

"Thank you, Professor."

This is a filler to kinda build on Snape and Y/n's father/daughter relationship
idk if this will cause drama in the future or not 😏

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