Chapter 1

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Life has always been hard for Noah. Half black, half white – he felt he never really fit in anywhere. To make matters worse he came from what was considered 'the worst place' to live in. Birmingham. The UK's disgrace. How could he escape? Where would he escape? Who could he trust? The answers all lay in his future, his future at Queen Windag's Educatory (QWE).

As Noah entered the school's campus for the first time feelings overwashed every part of his body. Fear, anxiety, sadness but most importantly excitement. He knew he wasn't going to be alone, there were a lot of other students who were in his position. The boarding house loomed over his head as he stood at the bottom of the staircase with his suitcases. Just as his foot hit the initial step a body crashed into his own and he fell hard. Before his face was welcomed to the ground strong arms encased his body and helped him up. Noah's eyes followed the tanned arms pulling his body upwards to a handsome face decorated with freckles.

'You okay?'

Noah blinked.

'Hello? Do you not speak English? Should I translate on my phone?'

'Get off me!' Noah pushed the boy out of his way and picked up his belongings. He heard a laugh behind him and turned to meet a smirking face.

'Your welcome.'

As Noah climbed up the stairs he swore he had seen the boy's face before, he just couldn't remember where. 

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