Chapter 9

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Afrobeats filled the common room as people danced around each other. Noah was seated next to Aina at the edge of the sofa. He watched as Caleb and Oba danced next to each other, trying to follow the moves of a talented Nigerian girl.

'You did well today.' Noah heard the voice next to him say. 'What's even crazier is I actually, kind of, understood what was going on.'

'Well done, I'm so proud.' He said sarcastically. 'Couldn't keep your opinions to yourself though, could you?'

'To be fair, I thought you were going to miss the shot, but then your prince charming saved you by saying whatever he said- what was it?' She stood up very dramatically while making her voice obnoxiously high pitched. 

'I believe in you Noah! Please kiss me and become my boyfriend forever! Or some bull.'

'It wasn't bull, and that's not what he said.' Aina looked up to see Noah intently watching Caleb still trying to dance with Oba.

'You're right, it was way more romantic, basically a love declaration, very sweet may I say.'

'No, it wasn't'

'Yes, it was.'

'No it was- You know what, just shut up.'

'Okay, okay, I'll go get him for you.' Before Noah could protest, she had already got up and left, leaving him alone.

The space was quickly filled and Caleb leaned over to Noah's ear. 'You wanna leave this place?' Noah didn't even finish his nod before he was grabbed and ushered quickly out of the dancing bodies and up towards their room. He didn't miss the laughter of Aina as they ran past.

Caleb entered the room first and turned to cage Noah in between the door. 'Seriously Noah, I trust you... with my life and with my heart.' He looked down to see khaki eyes gazing into his own.

'I-, I trust you, Caleb, with everything and more.' Caleb groaned, 'Do you know how long I've waited to hear those words...too long' Noah looked up in surprise, he waited for more explanation.

'From the moment I knocked into you on the stairs I wanted you, needed you. From your 3A curls in your hair to your skills on the court, everything about you is perfect.' He waited.

'Seriously? I cannot get you out of my mind Caleb, everywhere I looked I saw your face. Then you gave me that jumpe- mmgh!' His words were cut off as his mouth became sealed with Caleb's. Their lips moulded against one another, and Noah moaned as he felt a tongue massage the entrance to his mouth. How long they stayed there he didn't know, a few seconds maybe, all Noah knew was he wanted the moment to last forever. Caleb leaned his forehead against Noah's.

'That was..'

'..amazing.' Noah finished, tracing his fingers over Caleb's lips. 'I want to be yours, Caleb, forever and always.'

'As I want to be yours Noah, forever and always.' 



Basically I got kind of lazy lol at the end, cause I didn't really think it was good so I just skipped the rest of it. 

However, I will attempt one day to write a story that's actually half decent. 

Bye for now <333 and thanks for reading!!!!!

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