Chapter 7

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Although he had been waiting 3 weeks for this moment, Noah hesitated outside his room. He knew what awaited him, who awaited him. 

It's too hot for this jumper, he thought looking down, the white fabric now feeling sticky against his skin. As he opened the door, he expected Caleb to be there in his freckled glory. Instead, he found an empty room. 

Stupid, this was stupid! He ripped the jumper off stuffing it in his into his wardrobe and laid down. He had hoped to find Caleb stood on the other side of the door; arms stretched out allowing him to fall into them, like some sort of dramatic reunion. Stupid, that is just stupid, he thought while allowing the slow tears to fall. 


When Caleb entered the room later that evening, he saw Noah and Oba watching an animated movie on the TV. He laughed as he recognised the song 'Life is a highway' playing in the background.

'Who's put this on?' He asked settling down next to Noah on the sofa.

'I did, it's my favourite film.' Noah said, turning to look at him. Cute, Caleb thought to himself, I definitely won't forget that. He didn't even bother to watch the TV as he saw Noah quietly singing the lyrics to himself.

'Are you guys excited or what? The basketball regional final is this term!' Oba's voice interrupted Caleb's staring and Noah's film.

'Hell yeah! Once we win this, it's Nationals for us baby!' Caleb responded, feeling excitement pour through his veins.

 'We have the best team for miles, there's no way we can lose – with Noah's three-pointers and my jump shots, we have this in the bag!'

'Yeah don't forget there are three other people on the court.' Oba internally rolled his eyes while standing up, 'I've got to go anyway, practice is going to be rough for a while, I need my beauty sleep.'

'Trust me, you need more than beauty sleep to fix that mess of a face.' Caleb snickered, dodging the pillow that came his way as a response.

'Bye Noah, piss off Caleb.'

'Bye Oba.'

'Byeee Obaaaaaa.' Callum drawled out, knowing it would annoy the other boy.

 'Why do you do that?' Noah asked.

'Do what?'

'You know what, get on everyone's nerves.'

'I don't know, it's a special hobby of mine.'

'Yeah, I can tell.' Noah's attention turned back to the TV. 'Did you like my present?' Noah stilled at the question, unsure how to put his answer.

'I was right, it looks better on me.' He responded.

'Not surprised.' Noah just smiled, still focussing on the movie.

'Well, I'm going to sleep as well, I don't want to be rubbish at practice.'

'Fairs, sleep well.'

'Thanks, enjoy your movie.'

Noah had missed this. The ambience. The atmosphere. Most importantly, Caleb.

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