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~Narrator's POV~

A soft breeze hit Ash's face...

Or should I say a blow hit her face. It was Minho blowing in her face to wake her up since she had been sleeping until 11am already and he was tired of not being able to sit on the couch. Not as peaceful to wake up as she wanted, really. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched before she sat up slowly. Her half open eyes darting around the room to see who was awake already. It had been a few months since she had moved in with the guys. She was saving up a lot of money and was working as much as possible to get there. Felix, Chan, Seungmin and Jisung were mostly helping her with learning Korean and everything was practically going perfect, which was actually very weird. She had grown more close to everyone, especially Felix. They had gone out for walks a lot, mostly at night for various reasons.

She hit Minho softly and groaned a little. Even tho she had a bed to sleep in, she'd often fall asleep on the couch. Either because she came home late from work or just because she found the couch comfy. She scolded Minho for waking her up before she walked towards the kitchen to make herself food and pour herself a drink as well. She saw Felix in the kitchen and she backhugged him."Goodmorning handsome" She hummed softly before pinching his cheek. "Ow yeah no good almost afternoon" Felix poked her sides before grabbing the bowl of ramen he had made. "This is mine okay? M. I. N. E. Mine" He narrowed his eyes. Ash often stole his food if he wasnt looking, not only to tease him but also because it was just delicious. "I won't steal your food crybaby" She rolled her eyes before she made something for herself.

She sat down at the table, across from Felix to eat the breakfast she had made, her eyes glancing at the other that was sitting across from her every now and then. Her legs slowly stretching as her feet slowly touched the side of his leg, a small smile appearing on her face as he glanced at her. She finished eating and got up from the chair to bring her plate back to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass of water before walking back to the livingroom.

She sat down on the couch and let out a hum, crossing her legs. Before leaning over slightly to put the glass on the coffee table infront of her after she had taken a sip.

After an hour or two of just sitting on the couch and being on her phone or watching the television, Felix sat down next to her and placed his hand on her thigh before asking her to come to the bedroom and then getting up, walking to the bedroom himself. She glanced around, being very confused before slowly getting up and walking after him into the bedroom. Felix was seated on the bed and patted the spot next to him, she carefully sat down next to him.

"I want to talk to you about something serious" He spoke in a soft tone. Ash started to get nervous, her leg bouncing slightly as she fiddled with her fingers a little while she nodded. "About what..?" She glanced at him for a brief moment before looking away. Felix grabbed her chin with one hand to make her look at him before taking one of her hands with his and intertwining their fingers. "I want you to go out on a date with me, not like a late night walk like usually, but an actual date. Me and you, like in clear day time this time" He smiled a little before slowly letting her chin go and now grabbing her other hand as well. She stayed silent for a good minute to let the nerves and shock settle down as she was expecting something far worse than what he had asked. Then a big smile appeared on her lips and she started nodding repeatedly before letting out a small squeal from excitement. "Yes of course!!" She exclaimed happily.
Felix flashed a smile at her and chuckled softly at her reaction. He got up and waited for her to get up as well. "How about tomorrow?" He asked as he walked towards the door. "I'd love tomorrow" She replied back and placed a soft kiss on his cheek before they left the bedroom together.

(A/N note)
One update a year frfr.
Happy new late year I guess???

Short chapter bc I honestly dont know how or what to write.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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