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~Third person P.O.V~

Finally a day off.. Felix thought to himself while laying in his bed and scrolling through instagram on his fan account. he liked a few pictures and commented while scrolling, then he decided it was time to get out of bed. He got up to find the other members. "Where are you all?" He sighed when he heard no response.

When he looked through the whole dorm and couldn't find anyone, he rolled his eyes. Guess I'm alone.. He layed on the couch and grabbed the remote. It was gonna be a lazy day for him. Time for a movie. He started the television and went to Netflix. Hmm what movie.. He scrolled through the movies and found one, he thought it might be fun to watch. This love ain't your's... He clicked on play and just half watched the movie while he was on his phone.

He'd put his phone away, where he was scrolling on his fan account, half through the movie. "It's kinda a fun movie" he smiled and let out a little chuckle as someone fell down from the stairs. Later in the movie he sobbed a little when the girl was left alone by the guy on their marriage. "She didn't deserve that!!" He sighed.

He reached for his phone again when the movie ended. "A message?" He opened the Dm's of his fake fan account and looked at who messaged him. "Stays are clowns?" He raised an eyebrow and opened the message

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I thought maybe we could be friends ^^

Meeting new stays is always fun

Oh yea sure

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Felix didn't respond anymore as he muted the messages. Don't really want to.. When he got up, his phone rung. He picked up the phone and waited for it to connect.


"Hi Felix hyung!"

"Oh hi Jeonginnie"

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the dorms, where are you guys?"

"We went to eat chicken cause Chan wanted to"

"Oh okay have fun!"

"Thank you hyung!"

"Mhm bye see you later Innie"

He hung up and went to the kitchen. Let's see what food we have..  He thought to himself as he went through the fridge. he hummed softly as he grabbed an apple, there wasn't much to eat so he had to grab an apple. So they weren't counting members before they left.. Another sigh came from his mouth as he took a bite from. the apple.


Ash was still in her bed while it was already 1pm, she let out a deep sigh. she was too lazy to get up since it was saturday and she didn't have any homework. At least, not homework she was gonna make. Eventually she decided to get out of bed to eat something. she rubbed her eyes and put her phone in the pocket of her pyjama pants. she slowly made her way down the stairs, just step for step. when she came down she noticed no one was home. a smile appeared on her lips as she connected her phone with the tv.

She'd put on Stray Kids on crack and went to the kitchen to grab some food. she opened a cabinet and reached for a can of soup. she'd put it on the fire and waited till it was done. while it was cooking she grabbed a bowl and put it on the counter, eventually putting in the warm soup. she waddled to the couch and sat down, crossing her legs and blowing on the soup.

for the rest of the day she had been watching Stray Kids video's. she also had been on her phone, playing games, answering some dm's and liking some posts. Saturday was sort of a lazy day for her, but which day wasn't am I right- aha. okay anyway, she had been chilling on the couch when her mother entered the house and immediately went upstairs without greeting her. "yeah hi to you too" she mumbled and rolled her eyes.

she ate dinner in silence as her mother had left the house already and her dad still wasn't home. she had made grilled cheese since there wasn't really something else in the house. she ate it fast and went back upstairs to her bed. Ash dropped herself on the bed and continued being on her phone and playing games. eventually she started getting bored and watched some YouTube video's.

when she looked at the time she noticed it was already 4am. "what the fuck.." she whispered to herself as she raised her eyebrow. "I didn't know I was up for this long.." she sighed and stretched a bit. "meh" she shrugged and continued watching video's. she still wasn't tired so she had to do something.

eventually she decided to sleep when it was 5am, wich meant she was probably waking up at 1pm and that she highkey wasn't gonna make homework again and that she was gonna be scolded at. it didn't bother her that much, she snuggled further in her blanket and slowly drifted off to sleep.

she woke up at 1pm but still layed on her bed as she reached for her phone. she answered a few messages before she messaged the person who she dmed yesterday.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

so I understand you're a Felix Stan too?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

she'd talk to a few people on insta and when she didn't have to answer people, she went through posts. eventually she had enough of it and got bored. she made her way downstairs and dropped herself on the couch after grabbing a bag of chips. she'd put on a random movie and watched it. she watched that movie ten times already but she still liked it. a little humming sound was heard in the room.
she was humming along to the song in the movie. after the movie she checked the time. 3pm. it was gonna be a long and boring day for her.

(A/N note)
Yeah okay, hi I'm still alive :')
also I'm doing a time skip bc I hate this book and I want to finish it
okay bye
(highkey won't update for like half a year lol😂)


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