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~3rd person pov~

Felix chuckled awkwardly, he was embarrassed for staring at her so long. He rubbed the back of his neck as he thought of an excuse to tell her. "I.. Uh" He stammered a little, before deciding to just tell her the truth since he couldnt think of anything else. With a slight hint of red on his cheeks, he hesitantly explained to her why he was staring. "I- I was just admiring your beauty" He spoke with a little mumble. Before mentally giving himself a shoulder pat.
Ash her eyes widened a little, it now being her turn to get embarrassed. "Oh uh thanks?" She chuckled a little before continuing to eat her chicken.

After the awkward lunch between them they started to make their way back to the dorms. They were walking next to each other silently. Their elbows touching each other slightly as well as their hands. Ash moved a little to the side so that their arms would stop brushing against each other. "Thanks for the food Lix" She hummed softly as she looked to her side where the male was walking. "Ah yeah no problem" She looked back infront of her after she got the reply from the male.

●○•Time skip•○●

After a whole day of slight awkwardness between them both. And the other 7 boys just being loud, as usual, she had decided to go to sleep so that she could sleep in. So that she didnt feel as awkward anymore. She went back to the hotel she stayed in, where she only came to sleep and to change her clotheds. Ash walked inside rhe hotel being greeted by the receptionist, not reolying back but immediately going to the elevator. She went inside and pushed the button to where she had to be. When arrived at her room, she put the card in the lock and opened the door and closed the door back behind her.

Ash changed into her pyjamas and jumped on her bed, she wasnt really tired yet even tho she yawned. And so she had decided to watch YouTube since she missed a lot of videos from the youtubers she was subscribed to. She watched around 3 or 4 videos before getting tired. Ash layed her phone on the nightstand and put the light off before rolling over on her side. She stretched a little pulled the blanket more over her body and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

"ASH ASH!! WAIT FOR ME PLEASE I NEED TIME!!" Someone yelled at her. She turned into a circle looking everywhere in the place she stood. She was in a forest and heard someone call her but she didnt see anyone. Ash recognised the voice after it called again. "ASH PLEASE WAIT FOR ME!! I NEED TIME!! I LOVE YOU!!" It sounded like Felix. She didnt know what to do, but felt like she had to wait. "ILL WAIT I PROMISE!!" She yelled back and kept looking around, the world seemed to be spinning around her. She got dizzy and dropped on the ground. When she looked up, the person behind the voice was standing over her, looking at her, it was Felix.

"Im here love, you can calm down now" He spoke as he crouched down to her level and lifted her chin to make her look at him. "I promise i will take care of you, I love you, thank you for waiting.." He spoke with a soft voice as he looked into her eyes. Ash teared up a little and looked back into his eyes. She noticed Felix his eyes closed slowly and his face was coming closer. She closed her own eyes as well, feeling his breathing against her lips.

She closed her eyes tighter as the sun came through the blinds and onto her eyes. She groaned softly. "Really.. I was so close.." She thought to herself. She slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, she shouldn't have been so awkward with Felix yesterday, she obviously liked him and he just complimented her. She sighed as she ruflled her hair a little. Ash got out of her bed and walked to the bathroom, taking off her pyjamas and stepping in the shower.
After a concert for the shampoo bottles in the shower, she dried herself off with one of the hotel towels.

Ash grabbed her brush and brushed her wet hair before drying it and brushing it again, she also brushes her teeth and put on her clothes. Today she went for a skirt outfit, a black skirt, with a black oversized hoodie. Simple and comfortable. She hummed softlt and grabbed her phome that she had put on the charger before showering. She looked at herself in the mirror before leaving the hotelroom and going back to the elevator. 

When she got to the JYP cafe, she ordered some breakfast for herself. She searched for a spot to sit and ate her breakfast, still a little tired. She leaned back and looked around eventually zoning out as she was staring outside. She was zoned out for about five minutes before her phone buzzed and snapped her out of the stare. She looked at the notification, it was message. She opened it and noticed that it wasnt Felix who was currently the only one who messaged her regularly, but it was Bang Chan.

bRoCcOlLi ChAn🥦:
Yo ash, wanna come to the dorms? We're playing games the whole day since we're free

Uh yeah sure^^

bRoCcOlLi ChAn🥦:
Cool ill pick you up at a sec in the cafe

Ill wait in the cafe

She threw away the trash that she had left on the table and sat back down, waiting for Chan. She tapped on her thighs and let out a hum. She was thinking about Felix and hoped he wasnt gonna feel awkward today like he was yesterday. "Psst, you coming Ash??" She looked up at the male calling her, it was Chan. She nodded and got up, they went to their dorm.

im honestly sorry for not updating so long
i lowkey forgot wattpad still existed on my phone
please comment as much as you want or leave tips, i like reading comments



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