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"Omg!" I screamed. Luckily no one heard me.. I thought.. I wanted to grab my phone and send the pictures to him. I was about to get up but i was stopped as someone jumped on me.

"Who are you?!" I yelled as I tried to turn around and hit the person in the face. "Did you send the pictures?" I heard the person say in the deepest voice I ever heard. I knew who it was... Felix... I stopped my action, and sighed. "No.. But why are you here?.." Felix said something in Korean. "I wanted to make sure you sended me the pictures.." I rolled my eyes. "Can you just get off of me.." "Oh ye! Sorry" I heard footsteps, as soon as Felix got up, I turn to see that everyone was standing there. I close my eyes, then opened them. "Why are you guys here?..." "Actually Felix wanted us to go with him..." Chan spoke. I turn my head, as I narrowed my eyes. "You almost squished me to death.." "Sorry.." Felix mumbled and looked at his shoes.

I got up. "Do you guys want something to drink?" They all shook their heads except Jeongin. "Me please!" Jeongin asked almost screaming. I laugh as I walked to the kitchen. "I don't have much.. As I'm leaving tomorrow... Anyway! What do you want?" I looked at Jeongin and he pointed at the Coke Cola. I smiled and grabbed the small bottle and gave it to Jeongin. He walked back to the others as he drank some. "Well I guess we should go now.." Chan spoke. "You guys can stay if you want but I dont have anything fun to do.." I said in return. "Why are you already leaving tomorrow?" I heard Felix mumble. "Because there's no use to stay if I don't have anything to stay for." I smile as I looked at Felix. "But you can stay with us.." Felix mumbled something after that but I didn't hear what it was.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow. "I need friends that aren't Stray Kids members" I laughed and lifted his head up. "Listen.. I'd love to be friends. But first of all, I'm leaving tomorrow. Second of all I can't stay anywhere. And last I can't even live here properly cause I can't speak Korean." Felix looked me in the eyes. "You don't have to go. You can stay with us.. And we can teach you Korean.." I looked away. "But still.. I can't live of anything cause I don't have work here.." Felix didn't know how to respond that.

"We can give you a start until you find work.." Chan said smiling. I didn't know what to say but to accept it. I noticed all their eyes were on me. "Please Ash!" I looked at Jeongin, I sighed and gave up. "How can I say no.." "Say yes.." Jisung said. "Okay.. Yes!" I smiled and I fell on the couch in a group hug.

(A/N note)
This chapter sucks.. I was out of inspiration.. Sigh.. Help me... I hope you think it was good, I hope it'll get better now TwT... This happens when I don't know how to enjoy my vacation... Or what to do.. 



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