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Ashie has send a message..

~Felix P.O.V~

Hey.. So uhm.. I just wanted to ask you something..

What is it?

Ashie is typing...

Gosh she types long...

I really want to go back to Korea cause it's so much fun there..



I will probably go in the next vacation wich is in 2 months

Do your parents allow you to?

Well I'm old enough to decide myself
So I will go anyway

Where will you stay?

That's what I wanted to ask

She then went offline randomly. Oh serious! Can't this just go normal for once!

I huffed and put my phone off, throwing it to the door, wich never touched the door cause someone opened the door wich made it hit the person his nose. "Oh my god!! I'm so so so sorry hyung!!" (This will be in Korean now) I rolled out of my bed and ran towards him. He was rubbing his nose. "It's okay.. Why did you even throw your phone?" He bowed down to grab my phone and then he gave it to me. I threw it on my bed. "Well I was mad.. And Ash went offline while she was typing something to me.." I looked at my feet.

"Dude... Be patient!" I huffed. "But.." "No more talking.. Come to the livingroom and just wait." He cuts me off. I grabbed my phone and walked after him to the livingroom. I was greeted by the others. "Hi Felix hyung!" Jeongin spoke, I went to him. I then squeezed myself between Jeongin and Changbin.

I gave Jeongin a hug, and I heard Changbin huff. "What is it hyung?" I let Jeongin go and turn to look at Changbin hyung. "Nothing.. Why did I hear you say sorry to Chan hyung?" He tried to look unbothered, but he seemed like he really wanted to know. "Well I wanted to throw my phone at the door, but Chan hyung opened the door and my phone then hitted his face." I look down ashamed of myself. Changbin Laughs loudly wich made me look at him in confusion. "What is it Changbin hyung?" "Nothing.. It's just funny that it hitted Chan hyung's face."

I gasped dramatically. "How dare you be so cold." I said like I was acting, I swayed my finger at him. "Oh so mean!" I said again. "Dude... Chill.." Changbin hyung went back to his cold tone. I rolled my eyes, and just went back to my room even tho Chan hyung told me I had to stay. As soon as I closed the door and layed down on my bed, my phone buzzed.

Sorry I had to do something.

Nah it's okay..
What did you want to ask?

Ashie is typing..

Why does she always takes so long.. "LEE FELIX YONGBOK!!" Oh oh.. "COME TO THE LIVINGROOM MISTER!" I think Chan hyung noticed I was gone.. "COMING!!" "LEAVE YOUR PHONE IN YOUR ROOM" He yelled at me. "BUT-" "NO BUTS!!" I groaned and layed my phone on my bed. Now it will take even longer...

I took my time to walk to the livingroom. I just dragged myself since I really didn't want to go. When I eventually came in, Chan hyung checked if I had my phone with me and then he'd let me sit on the couch. I placed myself behind a pillow and between Chan hyung and Changbin hyung. Well.. He placed himself between Jeongin and me.

I huffed and turned my body towards Chan hyung. I tapped his shoulder since he was on his phone. "Hyung.. What are we going to eat?" "Pizza.." Chan hyung answered simple. I sighed and rested my head back on the pillow, staring at the tv thinking of messages that Ash could've send me. Hey I just want to say that I want to live with you guys forever.. Nahh... Probably bullshit.. I shake that thought off and Chan hyung ordered some pizza. I asked for a peperoni pizza, and he ordered it.

When the pizza guy eventually knocked on the door, our manager opened and payed for it so he wouldn't know where we lived. I quickly grabbed my box and started eating, I finished rather quick. When I saw all the others were still eating I turned to Chan hyung again. "Hyung can I go back to my room?" "No you're going to wait for the others to finish.." He said with his mouth half full. IS HE SERIOUS?!

"Okay hyung.." I huffed and watched the others eating their pizza like 8 old and small people. I watched Jisung eat with his squirrel cheeks. And I watched Jeongin stealing pizza from Changbin, while Changbin was slapping Jeongin's hand away. I watched Woojin that was eating chicken instead of pizza.

They really are 8 little kids..

I smiled watching them some more until they all finished. Finally.. I helped Chan hyung with the dishes. "Thank you Felix.." Chan hyung thanked me as we had finished. "No problem" I said. After he told me I could go, I quickly went to my room and searched for my phone. "OMG ARE THEY SERIOUS" I yelled in English. "What?" Changbin hyung and Hyunjin hyung, my roommates asked. "Someone has my phone.. And I really need it!" I stomped. "Here!" Hyunjin hyung threw it at me as he was afraid I would slap him.
I jumped on my bed and unlocked my phone. Gotta see.. Gotta see.. I went to chats and I had one message.

Ashie has send a message..

Yes finally... I quickly clicked on the chat.

Well my vacation is in 2 months like I said.. And it's for 8 weeks. 8 weeks that I wanna spend away from my parents.. So I wanted to ask if I could stay with you guys.. Cause I know you really want that..

(A/N note)
Hi beautiful~
Are you guys annoyed already? That I quit on the parts you don't want me to


*gun sound*


So lovely that ya'll like this book (Not) *Cough cough*
Anyway I hove you have/had an amazing day/night!


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