Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

We get led out to the prison yard. Bill heads in one direction to some other people playing basketball. I on the otherhand not wanting to bother him more than I already have just sit on a bench overlooking everyone.

I see several people playing poker and seems like their betting packs of cigarettes while other people are playing basketball like Bill is. I get to biting my thumbnail axiously again but stop feeling pain.

"Ow." Looking at my thumb I see that I accidentally bit down hard on the skin around my nail. Sighing softly I look around until I spot the bathroom before I head up and go in there.

I turn the sink on washing the blood away before getting a small piece of paper towel and use it to tie around my thumb to help with the slight bleeding. It isn't much but I don't want to deal with blood slowly dripping down my thumb all freaking day.

I go to leave but stop seeing that greasy guy from the shower earlier with two other guys. I gulp nervously as they block the only way out.

"Looks like your knight in shining armour isn't here to protect you this time, you little bitch."

"I-I think that there's really been some sort of misunderstanding here...." I nervously back away from them.

"Hold him down and strip him out of that thing." He orders the two others.

They grab at me unzipping the jumpsuit and force me out of it as I kick yelling and struggling trying to get away. "Get away get away! Someone help!"

One of them punches me in the stomach hard making me hunch over in pain before they force my mouth open shoving a cloth in my mouth making it impossible for anyone to hear my desparate cries for help.

They hold me up against the wall as the other man comes over. I weakly try to kick him away but he pulls out a small knife that makes my eyes widen in fear and I can't escape the small whimper that escapes from me.

"Stop fussing and this will all be over before you know it."

I struggle more as the two men hold me over the sink counter, one keeping my arms pinned behind my back and the other keeps my face pressed hard against the cold porcelain counter. I freeze up feeling his hand groping my ass, instantly knowing what this sicko wants.

"I am going to enjoy myself with you." I whimper more as his knife slowly starts to cut the tank top off of me but stops when a familiar voice speaks up.

"Thought I told you to leave the kid alone, fish breathe." I feel my heart leap seeing Bill standing there, a basketball in his hands.

"Who cares what a shit like you think!" He lunges at Bill, knife in hand.

Bill simply manages to dodge him easily before he kicks the guy into the bathroom mirror, mirror shards shattering and falling onto the floor. The guy stumbles back but before he can do anything Bill grabs a mirror shard and stabs it into the guy's neck over and over and over again until he falls to the bathroom floor dead, his blood pooling under his body.

Bill picks up the guy's knife before looking at the two guys still holding me down. He throws the basketball at them, it hitting one guy square in the nose making him let go of me as he backs away yelling in pain and quicker than I can blink Bill throws the knife into the other guy's neck, him falling to the floor dead.

I fall to my knees on the floor taking the cloth out of my mouth coughing and trying to breathe after seeing two people killed in front of me.

Bill just picks up the basketball walking past me and kicks the other guy down. I watch unable to do anything as he bashes the guy's head in with the basketball. He doesn't even stop as the guy lays there motionless, no longer breathing, moving, or even twitching but Bill doesn't stop. A look of pure fury on his face as he keeps slamming the basketball into the guy's face.

Scrambling up I grab his arm trying to make him stop. "Enough, Bill!" He shrugs me off before he gives me a cold look. "H-He's had enough....."

He just drops the basketball before grabbing my jumpsuit off the ground and throws it at me as I'm barely able to catch it. "Put that on. Now. We don't have time for this."

I pull it on and zip it back up, my body trembling. Once it's back on he grabs my collar and pulls me out of there. "Bill-"

"Shut up. Do not say anything or look back at them or fucking anything. As far as you are concerned, we were never fucking here." He doesn't let go of me until we're back at the bench I had been sitting at before that whole thing happened. We sit down on the bench as he runs a hand through his hair letting out a sigh. "I can't keep doing this."

"......thank you....for this and earlier....."

" won't survive here without protection. And anyone else that says they will protect you will just want sex in return. They'll turn you into their or their gang's personal whore."

"I don't want that....."

"I know. I can offer you protection without the whole sex thing. I can discuss the terms with you in more detail once we're back at our cell." He pulls a pack of cards out of his pocket. "You know how to play blackjack?"

"Yeah, but I don't have anything to bet with."

"Neither do I." He deals out the cards as we play the game.

"How would you protect me?"

"If people knew that you were under my protection then they wouldn't mess with you anymore."

"Why? Are you part of a gang or something?"

"No. I have respect in here is all. The worse your crime is the higher your respect. People don't know what your crime is so you have no respect."

"But I didn't-"

"Don't tell anyone else that. You go around talking about your innocence and things will only get worse for you."

"So they respect you because you murdered someone?"

"Yes and no." He sighs seeing my confused look. "I killed more than one person before I was convicted."


"I had my reasons at the time."

"Were you in jail before you were convicted?"

"I was in juvie a few times. After I got convicted at 16, spent two years in juvie before being sent here."

"How old are you?"

"Just turned 19 a week ago. You?"

"Same age. How many people did you kill? Were you a serial killer?"

"Not in the traditional sense. And the body count depends who you ask. Some people claim it's as high as 30. Other's claim it's no more than 20. Counting the people who have tried to kill me in here, then I guess it would be somewhere in the 30's."

"How many people were you convicted of actually killing then?"

"It was honestly only 13. The bakers dozen if you will."

"Why did you kill them?"

"I had my reasons at the time. And don't you dare ask why I did it either."

"Why can't I ask? I am horrified enough that people think I killed one person."

"Well I'm not you. And you can keep your secrets about your secret friend or your alibi or whatever that argument with your sister was as long as you don't go prying into my personal life."

"Pines!" I look over seeing a guard gesturing for me to come over to him.

"What's going on?" I look up at Bill.

"I would guess that you might actually have a visitor."

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