Chapter 11

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(Dipper pov)

They take me back to the prison where they allow me to change back into the clothes I had been wearing when I was originally arrested last year. This all still feels so weird. I spent so long in this place that the thought of ever leaving.

Once I'm dressed a guard goes to lead me out but in the hallways near the enterance I stop walking he looks at me confused. I can't just leave. Not after everything he's done for me. I owe him at least a goodbye.

"I want to see Bill one last time."

"I'm not really supposed to-"

"Please? I need to see him before I leave."

He sighs and I'm guessing that I have him backed into a tight corner now.

"....fine. Come with me but you have to make it quick or else there will be trouble for the both of us."

He leads me down some other halls and has me wait in a room identical to the one I used whenever Ford or my dad visited during the past year. Stan wrote letters to me often but he couldn't visit since he doesn't come near prisons. I think he's worried that they'll throw him in prison if he goes anywhere near them. He does have a lot of crimes under his belt after all.

I get pulled out of my thoughts as the door opens and closes, Bill walking into the room looking slightly surprised to see me before the usual slight smirk falls on his lips.

"Guessing you're a free man now."

"Yeah. They found my mother's diary and it sounded like she was going to kill me but just lost her temper after I talked to Mabel about her. So instead she used my knife to kill Mabel instead, knowing that because of my knife people would think I did it."

"But what if you had been somewhere with like a hundred people to prove your alibi?"

"I don't think that thought ever really crossed her mind. She was drunk in the court room and was probably really drunk when she killed Mabel."

"You doing good with your sister's death?"

"I think so. I've had a year to process that she's gone. So as shocking as it is to find out it was my mother who did it, I think I accepted Mabel's death a while ago."

"So why are you sticking around this dump? Don't you have somewhere else to be getting to now that you're a free bird?"

"I didn't want to leave without saying bye. And wanted you to know that I will be coming to visit."

" often?"


"You know that the gas prices have risen right? It's going to suck for you to come here everyday."

"I know. But I don't really care because I think you are worth it."

He smiles a bit as he holds out his arms and with no hesitation I run into his arms, huggine him tightly as I feel him return the embrace.

"I am going to miss this, Pinetree."

He walks around me holding me front behind with one arm and to my surprise his other one unbuttons my jeans.

"Bill? What are you?"

He gently kisses my neck as his hand slides down into my boxers. "What better way to say goodbye than to have one last moment of fun, my dear Pinetree?"

I gasp as his hand grabs my member and I feel him smirking against my neck, his fingers slowly running down the shaft making me unable to even try to stop the moans that escape me.

I lean my head back against him as he pumps me, not even bothering to be quiet and he knows it. I feel myself getting close to finished when he pulls his hand out of my pants and instead uses it to gently turn my head to look up at him.

His lips connect with mine and I kiss him back as he lays me on my back on the metal table in the center of the room, him climbing on top of me tugging my jeans off of me and throwing them to the ground.

My fingers fumble with the zipper of his jumpsuit but I manage to get the damn thing unzipped and he kicks it off before he pulls both of our boxers off of us disregarding them like he did my jeans.

I barely notice when he enters me, his mouth dominating over mine without much effort.

His mouth moves to my neck as he thrusts into me hard, aiming again for my prostate and without fail he somehow manages to find it and hit it every single time.

My moans fill up the entire otherwise silent room, my fingers roaming through his hair as he keeps this up. Before long I feel myself getting close and surely enough I finish right onto the table.

I moan one last time feeling him release inside of me. He gives my lips one last soft peck before he pulls out and pulls his boxers and jumpsuit back on.

Feeling myself blushing bright red I get off the table pulling on my boxers and jeans. I go to button them up but he swats my hands away and kneels in front of me buttoning and zipping up my jeans for me instead. I look down at him confused until he lifts up my shirt and softly kisses my stomach before he stands up and runs his hand through my hair pushing my bangs back.

"This place is going to be mighty boring without you here. You know that right?"

"I know. But I'll be coming to see you everyday."

"You know visitors are only allowed to see prisoners for an hour. So that's several other hours that I am going to have to find ways to entertain myself without you."

"I'm sure you'll manage to find ways to keep yourself busy."

He hums in thought for a minute. "You're probably right."

He kisses me on the lips one last time as a guard comes in leading him probably back to his cell and leading me out of there finally.

The End

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