Chapter 6

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(Dipper pov)

3 months later

I throw the cards down with a slight sigh as I run my hand through my hair. "That's it. I fucking quit. I am not playing this game anymore."

"Come on already." Bill complains as he picks up the cards I throw down. "Stop being a fucking pussy."

"No I am seriously done. You win every time so there isn't even a point in me trying to play anymore."

"How about the fact that it gives you something to do in the hours that we're stuck outside every day?"

"Not worth it. Losing to you everyday is not worth the brief break from supreme boredom."

"Not like your good at anything else out here. You can't play basketball, you can't gamble anything because you don't have anything, and I already explained to your prissy ass that they don't allow chess here-"

"Because people steal the pieces and use them to make shivs. I am very well aware of that. But I have been losing to you for three months. I am not doing it anymore." Without warning he smacks me hard upside the head. "Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"For being a smart ass. Don't ever interrupt me again."

"You are a real dick sometimes."

"Good. That means that people don't think I'm going easy on you." He nods over to someone on the otherside of the yard, a bigger bald guy with a snake tattoo on his neck. "You see that guy?"

"Yeah. Why? You know him?"

"They call him Viper. He's the head of the local gang in town, he got put in here for tax fraud."

"Like Al Capone?"

"Exactly like him. He's been kind of an annoyance for me really. Him and his men tend to not respect me or my things."

"So? Why are you telling me this?"

"Simple. I want you to kill him."


"Sh! Not so loud dumbass."

"I-I can't-"

"You can and you will."

"Why me?"

"Because I can't trust anyone else to do it for me. So I am going to give you to him and you tell him that you need protection. When the time is right, you do the dirty deed."

"But what if he tries to rape me like those other men did?"

"It won't come to that, I promise it won't. And you don't need to do it today, for now just make him think that you're on his side."

"Why would he believe that I want his protection when I have yours?"

"Tell him that you wouldn't please me. He knows I don't do rape. He'll buy it hook line and sinker."

"How do you know that?"

"Simple." He makes me look at him as he messes with my hair a bit making it cover my birthmark. "Fluffy brown hair, adorable choclate brown eyes, a baby face, you are too adorable for anyone to say no to."

"I am not adorable."

"Yes you are so fucking deal with it. He'll especially do it if you tell him that you killed your sister. Now go and make contact with him."

"I don't know about this...."

"Things will get much easier in here for the both of us once he's dealt with."

"Why can't you just kill him then?"

"There is no way that he would ever let me get close to him so it has to be you. Now go before I get impatient." He gently shoves me forward. Gulping nervously I slowly make my way over to the man.

All the people around him glare at me as I approach and I feel his eyes looking over every part of me.

"Well well well. Now what an interesting piece we have here. What's your name, boy?"

"Dipper, sir...."

"And he is formal. Did Bill send you?"

"He said I was to be a gift. I....I need protection and heard you could give me some for a price...."

"I could. But by that mark on your neck I imagine Bill could too."

"He won't anymore. He....I couldn't please him and he doesn't like rape. So he said if I wanted protection to come to you, because he wasn't going to protect me anymore."

"And you are aware of what things I would want from you in return for protecting you?"

"Yes, and I don't like it. But I am desperate."

"What are you in here for?"

"Got in an argument with my sister. It ended with her dead."

"Did you mean to?"

"No, I just got so angry that it felt like something inside of me snapped."

He gets up and walks over to me, his dirty fingers going through my hair before gripping it tightly and forcing me to look up at him. "You share a cell with Bill, correct?"

"Yes, that is correct."

"In a few days, I want you to kill that smug asshole." Shit. Both these guys really want me to kill each other? This is fucking nuts. "You think that you can manage a small task like that?"

"Yes sir."

"Good boy." He lets go of my hair and instead pats my cheek like I'm some fucking pet. Blech, this guy is the absolute fucking worst. "In the meantime, I am sure that I can find something for you to do. So that you can rightfully earn your keep and not just slouch around like a lazy ass."

A loud sound goes off from the speakers signaling for the prisoners to go back inside. Guards come grabbing inmates individually and lead each and every one of us back to our cells, roughly pushing me back into mine and Bill's cell as he picks up one of his books.

"Looks like you made a brand new friend, Pinetree."

"Cut the sarcasm. He wants me to kill you."

"Figured he would, the fucking prick." He grabs the small razor from under his pillow and presses it into my hand. "Here."

"What would I need this for?"

"Well I have a feeling that tomorrow, he's going to ask for a favor when you and him are alone. So that will be your time to strike. Don't let me down."

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