Chapter 8

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(Dipper pov)

I hear Bill sigh and glance up at him as seems annoyed with what I was doing. "For the last time, stop being picky and pushing your food around all the time."

"I'm not being picky. I just don't feel hungry right now."

"Are you still thinking about what happened with Viper?"

"I can't get it out of my head. I killed a man, Bill. I know that you killed more people than I did, but I am not like you. I can't just pretend that nothing happened."

"....come with me."

He grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the room through the various halls. "How are you just allowed to walk wherever you want?"

"That's what happens when you have mad respect."

He pulls me into one room and my eyes widen seeing it's a huge library, books everywhere. "Woah...."

"Figured you would like this considering you seem like a book nerd."

I pick up a nearby book before looking at Bill. "Bill, why did you kill those 13 people?"

"Why do you fucking care so much? Whatever I did, I had my fucking reasons."

"I know, but you have went out of your way to protect me in here. And after the Viper thing, don't you at least owe me answers about this?"

He's silent for so long that I first don't think he's going to answer me until he actually does speak up again.

"When I was 16, my mom would be out late at night and she would refuse to say where she was. I had a guessed that she was having an affair. My dad was in the hospital dying of lung cancer so he was totally oblivious to it. So one night I followed her to a guy's house. She spent a few hours in it before leaving. But she didn't go home, she went to another guy's house instead. I followed her all night and she was fucking with 12 different guys."

"Holy shit......"

"After she left the last guy's house I just....I don't know. I think I blacked out because I don't remember. I just remember going home in the morning and being covered in blood. She saw me and started screaming and yelling at me like I was some kind of monster. Maybe I was. I just yelled back at her about how she was sleeping with so many people while dad was dying but it was like talking to a fucking brick wall. I just got so frustrated with her that I pushed her. Her head hit the counter and.....I heard a loud crack as she hit the floor and her neck didn't look right."

".....that's all 13....but the last one was just an accident. You didn't mean to kill her."

"But I did want to hurt her. And my brother saw it all happen. So I was sentenced to two years in juvie and a lifetime in here. No matter how good my behavior might be I will never be offered parole." He gets up walking to some bookshelves. Setting the book I'm holding down I go after him.

"Do you regret it at all?"

"I regret that my brother saw it and I regret hurting my mom like that. If....If I could fix things, change what happened then I would do it quicker than a hearbeat."

"Maybe you can. I could-"

"There's nothing you can do to undo what I did, Dipper."


"There's a block on the edge of this town no one talks about
Where the train doesn't stop and the kids know they're not getting out
You live in the loop, the smokes on the stoop
Counting the coins you got
You work at a bar where all that you are is everything you're not
Someone tell me when
I can start again
And rewrite this story
How long can I stay
Lost without a way to rewrite
I wish I could rewrite this story" He runs his hand over the books. When my voice breaks the silence I can tell he's surprised.

"Pretty face, pretty voice; pretty much someone they forget
Hard to tell me apart from the ten other boys they just met
"We can't see the hook, we can't sell the look"
I hear it every day
"You won't be a star if you're who you are"
So I just fade away
Make me someone new
Tell me what I do to rewrite this story

How long can I stay
Lost without a way to rewrite
I wish I could rewrite this story
Change every word of every line
Write any story but mine
Someone tell me when
Can I start again
And rewrite this story
Yeah, Yeah
How long can I stay
Lost without a way to rewrite
I wish I could rewrite this story"

" are something special, Dipper."

"No I'm not. There isn't anything great or special or even remarkable about me at all."

"That is a lie."

"Is not."

"Dipper." I stop as he grabs onto my hand tightly. "Stop. You are amazing and special so stop fucking bringing yourself down like this or so help me I will smack you so hard upside that big head of yours that your ears will still be ringing by the time next year rolls around. That understood?" I give a small nod but he still doesn't let go of my hand.

"'re hurting my hand...."

"Well, you're just going to have to get used to it. Because from now on you are mine."

"I thought I already was claimed as yours and under your protection."

"I don't mean like that. I mean, you are now mine in a completely different way."

He lets go of my hand and cups my cheek in his hand, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I feel my cheeks go bright red as his lips connect with mine. I expected it to be hard or rough but it isn't. It's soft and gente and just perfect.

I don't bother trying to stop myself from kissing him back.

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