Chapter 7

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(Dipper pov)

Looking up from my food tray I glance across the mess hall and see Bill sitting at a table all by himself. For someone who can pretty much get whatever he wants whenever he wants, he seems to have zero friends. I still find it hard to believe that he's killed 13 people. He's my age, why would someone my age want to kill 13 people? I feel sick at the thought of Bill wanting me to kill this Viper guy. Can I even really do that? If I don't then he will want me to kill Bill and I know that if I try Bill will just kill me first.

I groan putting my head in my hands. This whole situations is so fucking complicated that it isn't even remotely funny.

A guard comes over grabbing my arm hard and pulling me out of my seat without a word. I am just confused as hell as he pulls me to the shower room and pushes me inside, the door locking behind him.

I feel myself freeze seeing Viper standing in the room, half undressed as he turns one of the showers on before turning to me, a dirty, smug smirk on his lips and it makes my skin crawl.

"You haven't killed him yet."

"I-I haven't found a way. I'm not strong like you or him. So I need a fool proof way to do it first."

"That's quite smart of you. You consider yourself smart?"

"Sometimes I guess."

"Well don't. No one needs a smartass. Now get over here now." I slowly approach him as I hug my arms to myself, secretly grabbing the small razor Bill had me hide up my sleeve for when the opportunity arrives. I was hoping I could come up with a better plan for it but seems like I don't have any more time.

He fully undresses himself and I start to panic even more as he pulls down the zipper of my jumpsuit. "W-Wait please-"

"You know the price of my protection."

"I know but I can't do this. You can keep that protection all to yourself now, I don't want any part of it just please let me go. We can just pretend that this whole thing never even ever happened. I won't tell if you won't."

He just chuckles to himself as his hand caresses my cheek before he hits me hard across the face sending me to the ground hard and the razor slips from my hand.

"You fucking little bitch. Think you can just lead me on and get away with it? Fucking hell no!"

He gets on top of me and I scream as I try to get out from under him and do everything that I possibly can to keep the rest of my clothes on as he tries to take them off. "Let go let go! Get off of me you freak!"

His hand grabs my mouth hard, muffling my screams as I keep struggling even though I know by now that it's useless. He's too strong and no matter how much I try, I am just too weak.

My hand weakly feels the cold, wet, tile floor for anything that can possibly help me when my fingers latch onto the razor again.

Without thinking I swipe the razor across his throat and it isn't until his eyes widen and his blood pools down onto me that I realize just what the hell I've actually done.

He falls onto me and with great effort I push him off of me as I scoot back away from his corpse, not able to do anything about the screaps that erupt from me like an active volcano long overdue.

The door busts open and several guards come into their rooms, guns pointed at me. "Hands up where we can see them and on your knees!"

I wipes the blood off my face before getting onto my knees, dropping the razor to the ground feeling my whole body trembling.

"H-He attacked me! He was going to rape me. Please, you have to believe me that I didn't have any other choice. I swear."

"Shut the fuck up, inmate." A guard walks behind me and he harsly pulls both my wrists behind my back as he snaps handcuffs on them and pulls me onto my feet hard.

I feel him grab the back of my neck hard and lead me out of there down a different hallway, there being several doors with glass windows on them allowing you to look into each individual room and they all look similar to a padded cell that would be in a mental institution.

If I really had to guess on what the heck this is, I would probably say solitary confinement.

The guard opens the door to one of the rooms and shoves me into the room before he slams the door shut leaving me alone with nothing but the overwhelming guilt of what horrible crime I just did, even if it was in self defense.


3 days later

I look up hearing the door unlock and a guard walks over grabbing to collar of my jumpsuit and roughly pulling me up onto my feet as he pulls me out of the room.

I can't really bring myself to pay that much attention to where he's taking me this time. The handcuffs just hurt so much it feels like my wrists are just about to fall off.

He finally unlocks the handcuffs and shoves me back into my cell, the cell door shutting and locking behind me as I hear him walk away.

Looking up I see Bill standing in the cell with his arms crossed over his chest. "About damn time you got back in here. Where the fuck is my razor?"

Feeling rage boiling everywhere inside of me I can't stop what happens next. Before I can even blink I find myself slapping him hard across the face but he doesn't even remotely react.

"You fucking asshole! You said that you wouldn't let him try to rape me! But he did! If I hadn't killed him he would have fucked me and you did nothing to even try to stop that from happening! You just left me with that fucking pervert to do whatever he wanted! I am not like you or anyone else in this damn shit hole! I don't belong here and you know that! You lied to me and used me to get what you wanted! But I am fucking done! I don't care what you do to me but I will not be your damn toy anymore!"

It takes me a minute to realize that tears are falling down my face. I go to  wipe them away but before I can he pulls me tightly to his chest, his arms wrapped around me in a warm embrace and I feel his fingers gently going through my hair.

".....I'm sorry....I promise I won't ever make you do anything like that ever again....."

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