Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

"-And the whole thing just blew up in our faces. Cake was literally everywhere. In our hair, ears, hell it was even all the way up onto the corners of the ceiling."

I hear Bill burst out laughing in the bunk below me. "Oh man. No shit?"

"No shit. That was the last time that Ford tried making a birthday cake where the candles will just light themselves."

"Geez. For an old man he sure is stupid sometimes. Why do you call him Ford anyway?"

"My great uncles were named Stanley and Stanford. We just call them Stan and Ford so that things don't get too confusing."

" said you were arguing with your sister when you last saw her. What was the argument about?"

I sigh slightly not wanting to answer this. "Bill-"

"That was the deal."

"I know but....I never even told my own family these things that you're asking. It's that personal."

"Spill the beans or I won't protect you anymore."

" sister was letting our mom live in her apartment. Our mom ran our on us when we were kids and when she was around she was a severe alcoholic. My sister was giving her a second chance. A chance she didn't deserve. I only found out because our mom was draining a bank account that was in me and my sister's name and the bank called me about it. I went to my sister's apartment and we argued about how I didn't think she should be helping our mother. The argument was just ending when our mother walked out the door and started cussing me out seeing me there so I left. My sister texted me saying I had permission to put what was left of our money into an account under my name only so that's what I did. Next day I'm being arrested for my sister's murder."

"What about that little alibi of yours that you can't tell anyone?"

".....I was on the phone with my therapist...."

"Why couldn't you tell anyone that?"

"I didn't want the rest of my family to know about me going to therapy. Didn't want them knowing what was wrong with me."

"And what is exactly wrong with you?"

"My therapist described it as abandonment issues. That I hold on too tight to everyone around me in the hopes that they don't leave me."

"Like how your mother walked out on you?"

"It's more than just what she did."

"Explain then."

"In high school I liked a guy. His home life was honestly a huge mess and I didn't know all the details. All I knew is that he hated being at home more than he had to. I told him how I felt about him one day and he just went home saying he would call me later. He never did. Next day he took his father's service gun and blew his brains out. His note explained that it really didn't have anything to do with me but I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault. That I pushed him over the edge. I started seeing this therapist over the phone. He was a germaphobe so he couldn't leave home and I didn't want my family knowing about it."

" really are super fucked up....."

"No need to rub it in." I mumble as I roll onto my side facing the wall.

"I get why you don't want to tell anyone about it, but wouldn't it be worth your freedom just to give up what's left of your privacy?"

"I can't. If I tell them about me seeing a therapist then they will just keep prying to find out why. And that damn prosecutor will try to spin it that my abandonment issues made me dangerous. I can't even explain how my knife was used as the murder weapon when I wasn't the one to use it."

"How did you lose it?"

"I was visiting my sister and when I got back to my own place it was gone. I don't know if I lost it in my car or her place or any of the dozens of places I stopped at on the way to my apartment. It was gone and then it somehow turned up at her murder with my fingerprints all over it."

"Which makes sense considering it's your knife."

" fate was sealed before I even set foot in that court room."  Silence fills the cell as the lights go off and I feel him climb up onto my bunk wrapping his arms around me pulling me back towards him. I weakly try to get out of his arms. "Let go. I can sleep without you clinging to me."

"You're the one who clings to people until they can't stand to be around you and eventually kill themselves."

I try harder to get him off of me now. "I am not kidding anymore. Get the hell off of me right now or-"

"Or what. You'll kill me the same way that you killed your sister? Because we both know when it comes down to it at the end of the day you won't do fucking shit." I freeze up feeling his hand grab my crotch hard, his other hand over my mouth to muffle any noises I could possibly make. I feel his breathe hitting my ear as he whispers in it. "If I really wanted to, I could just fuck you right now. Our deal said nothing about me having my own fun with you, just said I would protect you as long as you protected me. And right now you are doing a very piss poor job of that. Now, would you rather just lay here not doing anything as I decide to have my way with you?"

I frantically shake my head no, tears silently spilling down my cheeks.

"Then shut the hell up and just go to sleep. Unlike you, I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. Is that clear?" I give a small nod yes and he finally lets go, his arms once again wrapping around my waist and I feel nothing but dread feeling him so close to me.

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