Chapter 2

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(Dipper pov)

"WAKE UP!" I jerk awake after he yells in my ear.

"What the hell was that for?" I look over at him as he jumps off the bunk.

"You wouldn't wake up. So get your stuff, we have a limited time to shower before we have to come back here and make sure everything is cleaner than Martha Stuar's ass before breakfast."

"Oh." Climbing off the bunk and I grab my soap and towel just as he did. The cell door opens and two guards lead us to the bathouse, which is a weird name for it since there are no baths or shower walls or even a curtain.

Everyone is just apparently okay with showering two feet from another naked guy. Maybe this wouldn't be such a big deal to anyone else, but back in high school I could never even change in or out of my gym clothes until I was the only one in the locker room.

I glance at my cellmate but I can tell he's purposely trying to not look at me.

"Stop fucking looking at me like that. I am not your damn babysitter." He sets his stuff down and I look away as he undresses before I hear him sigh again. "There is a shower head in the far corner there. No one uses it because there is mold on the drain. As long as you don't touch the mold you will be fine. That's the most privacy you're going to get here."

"Oh, okay. Than-"

"Do no fucking thank me."

I hear him walk away and knowing that I didn't have long to shower I set my stuff down near the shower head he told me about before stripping out of the clothes and into the shower.

The mold was really gross looking but still I think this is better than being only two feet away from other naked people.

I finish the shower as quickly as I can before turning the shower off and drying myself off pulling the jumpsuit back on. I turn around just as I zip it up but freeze seeing someone who looked really greasey even though he just took a shower.

"Now, what is someone like you doing in here?" He reaches towards my face but I move back away from him.

"P-Please leave me alone. I-I don't want any trouble."

"What makes you think I was going to cause any trouble? That is very rude to say to a new friend." One of his hands grip my shoulder tightly and with horror I see the other hand slowly pulling down my zipper.

"W-Wait don't-"

"This will all be over soon so do us both a favor and don't make a fuss." His slimey voice whispers in my ear.

I push against his chest trying to get away from him, finally managing to hit him across the face. "Get away from me!"

He growls before shoving me hard against the wall making me cry out in pain as I crumple to the floor in a sore heap. "You little fucking shit."

"Step away from him, fish breathe." We both look over and see my cellmate standing there, his hair damp and sticking to his forehead as he puts his hands in the pockets of his jumpsuit.

"What do you care about the fresh meat, Bill? He's of no concern to you."

"Just leave the kid the fuck alone unless you really want to piss me the fuck off." He looks right at me before gesturing with his head for me to come over. "Come on, Pinetree. We haven't got all day."

Without wasting a minute I get up going over to him. He puts his arm around my shoulders leading me out of there.

"Do not look back at them. Just keep walking forward and don't fucking say anything." He quietly hisses at me. I remain silent as we are taken back to our cell and he finally lets go of me as he organizes his stuff.

".....your name is Bill?"

"Yeah. So what?"

"Nothing.....why did you call me Pinetree?"

"Because I don't know your name and the book you were fucking with last night was the first thing that came to mind. Also, frankly, I don't care what your name is either. I am not going to help you out everytime you get yourself in trouble like that."

"Then why did you help me back there?"

"It was a one time thing. Just because we share a cell doesn't mean that we're friends or anything like that." He looks at me and I see his eyes measuring me up and down. "You are really fucking short. How short are you?"


"Really? You are seriously the height of a girl? If you want them to leave you alone then somehow make yourself grow taller."

I say nothing as I reach up to the top bunk making sure the bed is made and everything is perfect. A guard comes into the cell inspecting everything before taking us to the mess hall.

I stand in line behind Bill as I get handed my meal tray, the food on it looking stale and not at all edible. Bill walks off to one table and I go to one that is in the corner of the room where no one will hopefully bother me.

Sitting at the table I mostly just push the food around, being too tired to really eat anything.

"You know that in here you can't really afford to be picky."

I look up as Bill sits across from me. "I'm not being picky. I'm just tired."

"You'll get used to it."

"This isn't right. I don't belong here. Isn't there someone I can talk to, maybe to clear things up?"

"You are not even close to being the first person to claim innocent of a crime."

"I know how it sounds but I didn't kill her."

"The jury convicted you."

"They were wrong."

"Then walk me through what happened. All the evidence at the trial, eye witness statements, everything."

"The only evidence was a pocket knife with my initials and fingerprints, along with my day planner saying I was going to meet my sister that day. But I didn't do it. I had lost that pocket knife months ago, and of course it would have my prints because it was mine."

"Any witnesses?"

"My mother. She saw me leave my sister's apartment but my mother is an alcoholic. Anything she says has to be taken with a grain of salt."

"What was your alibi?" I don't say anything as I look down at my hands. "That is why you were found guilty, isn't it? Because you don't have an alibi or any witnesses to say where you were."

"I have an alibi. I just couldn't say it in court."

"Why not?"

"Because it was personal and there wasn't anyway that anyone could prove my alibi either."

"Were you with someone?"

"Sort of."

"Then that person could prove your alibi."

"No they couldn't."

"Why the fuck not?"

"Because she doesn't leave her house. And I wasn't exactly with her when it happened."

"What do you mean?"

I sigh running my hands over my face. "I....I can't explain it. Not fully. But I didn't kille my sister. Sure we had an argument that night but it wasn't anything that would result in dying."

"An argument over what?"

"I can't-"

"Can't explain? This is why they found you guilty. You can't keep secrets in court and expect people to believe that you're actually innocent."

"I know, but I didn't hurt her."

"I believe you."

"Wait, what? You actually believe me?"

"Yeah, from experiance. You don't have it in you to kill anyone."

"Experiance?'re in here for murder as well...."

Before he can respond breakfast ends.

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