Zelus= Emulation, Rivalry, Jealousy, Dedication and Motivation, Envy, Zeal

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—Rivalry Riser: They get stronger at a faster rate when competing with the person they've recognized as their soul rival.
—Master Of Motivation: Has complete control over their own motivation.
—Jealousy Jipping: Can spread jealousy and envy amongst others with their voice or touch.
—Physical Emulation: Can shape-shift into other people.
—Motivation Mincer: Able to enchant weapons to temporarily leech motivation from the injured target for the user of said weapon the more the opponent is cut.
—Rivalry Reaper: Able to draw power from rivalries around them.
—Motivation Muncher: Able to drain motivation from enemies for themselves or to spread amongst allies.
—Skill Emulator: Can Copy any skills they see. 
—Convenient Emotions: Their feelings of jealousy and envy are alive and will only annoy the user if they need to.
—Dedication Domination: Can render their minds impervious to mind control by unleashing all their dedication from within. All other motivation and dedication-based powers will be weakened for a while after using this.
—Power-Emulator: able to permanently copy the powers of anyone they touch and/or temporarily copy the ability of anyone they see, if they can handle it. The strength of said copied powers is all dependent upon the user's own power, even enabling them to expand and use a stronger version of said copied powers if possible. The user can not copy any powers that require them to pull from within from a specific source of essence cause they don't have it. Backlash and exhaustion from copied powers are slightly more severe for the user since they don't have the original divinity makeup for said powers. There is no limit to how many they can permanently copy, but they can only use one power set at a time
—Zealous Slasher: Their attacks get more powerful and unpredictable if uninterrupted.
—Wing Of Motivation: Can sprout wings that temporarily leech motivation from enemies and Motivates allies.
—Envy Eye: Can sense envy, excitement, and Jealousy.
—Creature Emulator: Able to shape-shift into and/or copy the abilities of any creatures they see like animals or monsters. No backlash unless they.
—Zealous Burn: Able to summon and control Zealous fire, a teal fire that enhances the user physically and mentally. This fire burns with the users motivation and excitement, needing no oxygen. Can heal allies and the user.

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