Chapter 8

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*Somewhere In The City*

*Rouge, Silver, Knuckles and Omega are seen walking around*

*Rouge is seen staring at a scanner*

Rouge: Ok..My scanner is saying she was last seen near here.

Silver: You mean we're getting close?

Omega: It would seem that way.

Knuckles: *groans* How much longer is this gonna go on, we've been looking for hours, and I don't see any sign of-

*The group suddenly stops and stares in horror and disbelief*

*The area has been damaged, almost like an explosion happened*

Rouge: Yep..she was here alright.

Silver: Sh-She did this!? I-I-I-I knew she was powerful, but I didn't think she'd be THIS powerful!

Knuckles: Oh believe me, you ain't seen nothing yet..

Omega: That is not important right now, what is important is finding Shadolene, and saving our friends.

Rouge: *sighs* Omega's right.

Knuckles: Hmm..We could find her faster if we split up.

Silver: Are you crazy!? That's how people die in horror movies!

Rouge: This isn't a horror movie, Silver.

*Silver looks down at the ground*

Silver: It sure feels like one..

Rouge: Ok, Knuckles, you and Omega go right, Silver, you go left.

Knuckles: Where're you going?

Rouge: I'm going by air.

Silver: Is no one listening to me!?

*The gang go their separate ways, leaving Silver by himself*

*A look of unamusement appears on Silver's face*

Silver: Apparently not.. 

*Silver turns towards the left path*

Silver: *sighs* Hang in there, guys, help is on the way.

*A turquoise aura surrounds Silver, and he levitates off of the ground*

*Silver flies away*

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