Ch 1

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Law moves-in to a house Doflamingo had bought for him. Doflamingo specifically bought this house because it was spacious, could've fit more than 50 people if you counted the back-yard and front-yard, and had a shed in the backyard.

Law wondered why it was sold to Doflamingo for such a cheap price of, JP¥10,000. But, he wasn't complaining. It was quiet, spacious, has a shed, has three floors, has nice views and he didn't have neighbours. The neighbourhood was farther away from his house. He could walk to the neighbourhood in 19 minutes.

But, the only flaw was, the city and market were quite far and he had to drive there each time to buy groceries and stationary items. Doflamingo made him move here because of how peaceful and calming this place was.

'I feel like I'm in one of those cliché horror movies where the main family moves into the haunted house in which people were murdered....' Law thought.

Law dispelled a thought of, a serial killer just enjoying their best life while hiding in this house, quickly. He wanted to relax and have his privacy. Instead of having some psychopathic person stalk him.

Law began to open the boxes. There were books, kitchen utensils, stationary items, some re-assemblable/assembleable furniture, plants in pots, toilet stuff, laundry things, cleaning supplies, etc,.

Law knew that he would spend longer to clean his new house. So, he opted to call some House-cleaners when he needed to clean. The house is big afterall.



After a while, Law had finished furnishing the house. He made a room in the third floor his. Law had mostly used his Ope Ope no mi to move the heavy items, such as; bed, sofa, etc.

Law then slumped down on the sofa, feeling exhausted because his power runs by stamina.

He was about to fall asleep until he heard some faint noises from the backyard. Law grunted in tiredness but reluctantly got up and went to the door that led to the backyard.


Was the first thing he heard the Cat say. The cat was Yellow in colour and it's hair seemed to be hiding a side of his eyes? Face? The cat had these swirly eyebrows. Law questioned if that was even possible on a Cat ...

The cats surrounding the Yellow cat were most likely strays but they all had colars? Law didn't have time to think since, the yellow cat seemed to have an injury.

When he tried to pick up the yellow cat.  The other surrounding the cat were hissing but not stopping Law. As if to say, 'hurt him and we will assassinate you.'

Law didn't close the door behind him when he took the yellow cat inside. He put the cat on the Kitchen Table and went towards a few boxes(there were still some boxes left that were supposed to be put in the shed)

The cats that were surrounding the yellow cat were entering the house and getting on the chairs or kitchen table to look over at their friend.

Law came back with some first aid and surgical equipment; in-case the cat was hit by cars and some pebbles or scraps got stuck.

Law knew about medicine more than an average person since, his Father and Mother are well equiped in that field. Even Corazon and Doflamingo had helped him to study. He was fascinated by it and studied about Medicine, Surgical procedure, anatomy, etc,. He was studying since he was 5 or 6, until the age of 26 he had stopped for personal reasons.

Law didn't have any equipment for animals and prayed that these would work on the cat.

Law filled a syringe with some Local anesthetic called Lignocaine (lidocaine) and injected it on the yellow cat. After he had injected that, the cat seemed to ease a bit. It seemed that the anesthetic had numbed it. Law had a glimpse on the cats colar, "Vinsmoke Sanji".

'Thats some constructive naming skills...' Law thought while making a surprised face.

While Sanji was numb, Law checked for broken bones and luckily, there were no broken bones. Law only found a deep cut near it's stomach. It seemed to miss all it's internal organs, but it was a bleeding mess. Law cornered it to be a drunkard who had attacked the poor cat.(He was probably wrong on assuming it was a drunkard but he opted to believe it for now.)

Law applied ointments and bandages after he had carefully checked for more wounds and found no more wounds except the stabbed stomach.

Sanji's other friends seemed to be sighing in relief. Or that's what Law thought they were doing.

"This..won't heal quickly. It's best if I keep him here and rehabilitate him. Orrrrr.....I could heal him with my powers when I'm able to use them again..." Law meant that to be a mutter but all the cats had heard him.

"Meowww" A black coloured cat with blue-green(turquoise?) eyes meowed after a minute or so to Law.

"Heh. I feel like you can understand what I'm saying.." Law giggled a bit. His face softening.

The cats seemed to stare at him. Law didn't mind that, well, he has heard that cats sometimes just start staring at you when they want to hunt. As in they're hunting prey or something.

"Hmm.....oh well." Law mumbled and went to the kitchen to cook some things. He luckily had fish and he thought of simmering it. He didn't know if the cats would like it raw or fried/simmered so, he just fried/simmered the fishes. He made rice as well. He used the finger-joint technique to measure the water height after he had rinsed it.

"Sanji, are you okay now?"

"Yea Luffy, I am fine but I feel numb." Sanji replied.

"That might be local anesthetic"

"Oh, how clever you are for a to-be-doctor, Doctor-san" Robin smiled

"I- shut-up bastard! It's not like I like you calling me a doctor!" Chopper was doing a weird dance while standing on two legs. He was smiling but denying he liked being called a doctor.

Zoro shifts into a laying pose, "Anyways, why is that guy even here? Isn't this house supposed to be off-sale?"

Nami tilted her head upwards and blinked, "Well, it was off-sale but it was requested by the leader of the Donquixote family for this place to be on-sale. I guess that is the guy they bought this place for"

"But who did Doflamingo convince to make this place for sale?" Brook looked at Nami

"One of the more powerful people in the Government is my guess" Nami replied

"It does make sense" Usopp stated

"But the thing is, how did that guy not know about some people being able to turn into cats if he knew Doflamingo?" Jinbei looked as though he was trying to solve a detective case.

"Maybe Mingo isn't that close to him?" Luffy asked

"Then why would he request a powerful or higher-up to make it so that this house is available for them to use?" Jinbei questioned

Luffy had steam coming off his head. He was thinking too hard.

"Mayyyybe, it's for him to relax? I mean, people who study medical stuff do need vacations right?" Chopper inquired

Sanji yawned, "He didn't look like someone who studies though but I think this is a vacation for him. Probably got some kind of reward for completing a mission commanded by Doflamingo."

"Probably" Brook repeated


Luffy then smelled fish being fried.
Everyone smelled it and also heard the frying noise.

Franky raised an eyebrow(?) "Oh? Is he frying fish for us?"

"Seems like it" Sanji replied trying to stretch

"Don't stretch idiot, you have a stab wound and you almost got shot by a seastone bullet" Nami sighed in annoyance

"Haiiii Nami-swann~~" Sanji had hearts in his eyes but didnt move because his senses were starting to come back and it started to hurt like a bitch.

"You're awfully quiet and behaving well Luf- Luffy?" Zoro looked around but Luffy was no-where to be found.

They all heard a distant 'meoooow'.
'Found him' they all thought at the same time.


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