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After cleaning up and getting dressed, they headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"What took you guys so long?" Luffy asked

"I was sleeping, Shanks was showering and Law was reading." Zoro causally answered. As if none of that happened.

Law just nodded while making his way to the couch. Sure his devil fruit could heal him from sores or tensions or fallen asleep muscles and small injuries, he still needed to take a bit of rest from motion.

"Yea, the shower was cold at first but then it got warm" Shanks told, trying to make them believe that what zoro told them was actually true.

"Why was that necessary to say?" Beckmann said while walking down the hallway.

"Dunno, felt like saying it." Shanks shrugged his shoulders.

"Mkay." Beckmann said while rolling his eyes.


It was about 8:10AM EST. They had woken up around 7AM or so.

Sanji was almost done making breakfast. He had found the box that contained the food and would in-return give money to Law for the food items he had used.

Law was still sitting on the couch and was leaning on Beckmann. Beckmann had an arm around his waist while the TV was on and running. The others who saw them glared at Beckmann but then smiled at Law. Typical simp behaviour.

Law had asked if Zoro could bring his phone down from his room. Zoro agreed and had gone up to get his phone for him, once he had the phone he made his way down and gave Law his phone. Law thanked him and took the phone. Zoro decided to also sit on the couch and watch some TV.

Law turned his phone on and saw that he had some miss calls and unread messages.

[8:17AM EST]

*You have 2 miss calls from Cora-Chan😃 !* 
*You have unread messages!*

Law decided to check his unread messages. And as expected, the Donquixote GroupChat was there. And so was Corazon's. (On the mesages sent part, like when you open Wha-tsapp and it shows that circled [amt of messages]; that one)

Law decided to open the Donquixote Groupchat first,


'He met who now' [Lao G]

'Eustass Captain Kidd, known as the captain of the Kidd Pirates. It's pretty much like another gang like us but weaker.' [Gladius]

'Oh, I see. Thanks for the information' .[Lao G]

'Anytime gramps' [Gladius]

'If I were to take your reply seriously, you'd go headfirst into a tree.' [Lao G]

'Was he hot?😍' [Baby 5]

Dellinger, Lao G, Gladius, Pica and +4 other users reacted with ' 💀 '

'What? Its just a question.' [Baby 5]

'But you do know he has n o eyebrows right-' [Pica]

'I don't see that as a problem😏' [Baby 5]

'What is wrong with this group chat and the people in it.' [Vergo]

'Ah- Vergo-san! Hello.' [Dellinger]

'Hi.' [Vergo]

'I don't know but Baby 5, haven't you seen his photos?' [Senor Pink]

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