Ch 9

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It was now 8:45am Est, breakfast was ready.
Law was eating on the couch since, he wanted to. Beside him was Sanji and Shanks this time. Beckmann and Zoro wanted to sit next to Law but they weren't fast enough and are now sitting at the table with the others.

Law took a second thought, 'Are they gonna stay here forever.... I might need to ask them when they're gonna leave' . He took a bite of a frittata muffin and was delighted. It was delicious.

"Sanji-ya, these f-frittata muffins are the best I have ever tasted! Min-d telling me the sen-secret?" Law looked at Sanji with glowy sparkles in his eyes.

Sanji was proud that his cooking pleased Law and would be more than delighted to share his secret to him. "Why thank you! And of-course, come a bit closer" he instructed Law.

As told, Law went closer to Sanji and Sanji whispered into his ear. A secret ingredient. That shall remain a secret to the viewers as well 😉
Law had a kid-like blush on his cheeks and nodded. Sanji was looking at him with a hungry eye but it was not obvious to spot.

"I-i'd have never thou-ght of making it that way, thank you, Sanji-ya" He said with gratitude.

"Anytime!" Sanji replied with a smile of his own.

Shanks watched it all display and was a bit jealous of Sanji.

Time skip, it was now 10:26am est.

"So...I have a question, when are you guys gonna leave?" Law asked.

Ah. What a dreadful question Law could have asked them. To them, it meant that they were annoying Law.

"..When we finish helping you furnish your house!" Luffy answered.

"O-h. I see. But its not exactly neces-sary for you to help me with fern;furnishing the house" Law replied.

"Meh, we just wanna help around. Is that alright?"  Usopp asked.

"Yea, we just wanna help ya furnish SUPPPPEEERRR fast!" Franky added.

"I- Al-alright then-" Law said while looking a bit surprised at hearing 'SUPPPPEEERRR' so loudly.

They were cheerful with the response and started to unboxing and placing the furniture.







"Annnd thats the last of it!" Luffy announced.

"Torao, you have a lot of books and surgical equipment. Was it tough as a surgeon?" Robin asked.

"Well uhm I mean, it was tough since the hosp i-tal kept on making me work on different fields.." Law answered. "I've also passed out multiple times from dehydration and poor sleep" He added, though that part was not necessary to mention; he still wanted to know what their reaction would be. Quite risky, isn't he?

"Oh, that must've been tiring. May I know the hospital name for scientific purposes." Robin requested with a devilish look.

"...Don't worry about it.. my uh family took ca-care of it" Law answered warily.

"I like your family." Jinbei replied.

"Th-thanks?.." Law questionably responded.

"Any-who, we need to leave now. Since we have finished helping with furnishing" Beckmann announced.

"Aw man" Luffy whined.

"C'mon Beckmann, lets stay for a bit more~~" Shanks tried to persuade him.

"Yea!! Please~~" Luffy joined in the persuading.

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