fresh meat

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Sound track-
New girl- labrinth
Where is my mind - Pixies
jigsaw falling into place- Radiohead

11:44 am- with weightless breaths, the sweat lulls of quite music and the bright light shining through the window awoke me. Shifting around under my covers, a soundless yawn escaped my mouth. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, i sluggishly sat up at a slow pace. My eyes adjusting to light i blinked slowly taking in my new environment.

There, at the desk adjacent to mine sat a woman, tapping her pen against the desk top along with the beat of the quite music. Her tan skin glowed as it were honey in the mid morning sun and the countless freckles on her face contributed to her ethereal face.
She had brown shortish hair that was pulled back into a small pony tail and the most confused look on her face as she quietly read over the same sentence over and over in her text book.

"hello?" i croaked out, my morning voice sounding more prevalent than ever. She flinched at the sudden noise, her head snapping back to look at me. "Oh-hey." i watched her rise form her chair, as she needed any excuse for her not to study, grabbed a take away box up from her desk.

"You sleep like a goddamn brick." She joked, strutting over to me, her stance confident. My brain still foggy, i hummed in response, nodding along to anything she said. "You were passed the fuck out at 12, when i came home." She smiled slyly down at me.

i cleared my throat as i blinked slowly. "Well yeah, that's a jet lag will do to you." i sniffed, looking back up at her. She chuckled then proceeded to shove the cardboard box in my face. "My girlfriend dropped these off this morning before class started and she said to give one to you so..."  Silence fell between us as I watched her observe me with great intensity, taking in what i looked like properly before my eyes split down the box in my hands. I opened the the box with a mass amount of care to be greeted with the most delicious looking muffin.

"White chocolate and raspberry." the woman in front of me quickly noted proudly as my eyes flicked back up to look at her.  

"was she the one that wrote me that letter..." My mouth cracked into a sleep lax smile, feeling warm inside. She huffed a laugh at me as he she bit her tongue, a slight red flush rising to her cheeks.

"she's the kindest person you'll ever met." she nodded, trying her best not to get to flustered just at the thought of girlfriend. "but don't get any ideas." she snapped, out of the blue. "i- i never had any ideas." i tiredly laughed, defending my self as my head turned to look at the card placed on my desk, letting out another yawn.  She suddenly offered me her hand, a slight sly grin plastered on her face.

"Ymir, its nice to meet you." She introduced her self. I blinked up at her, hesitating to take her hand but i eventually  do. "y/n, likewise." I nod, my mouth curling into a small smile.

i felt refreshed after my almost 14 hour sleep, feeling insanely grateful for Ymir for not waking me up any sooner. I watched as she plopped on her bed, her elbows resting on her knees as she began to talk. She informed on the bathroom situation, which was located at the end of the hall and how i have to have my own toiletry stuff because she will not be willing to share at any point point of time (her words) and I briefly filled her in on my situation, most of my mornings would start excruciatingly early and my skate stuff would take up a lot of the room in the cupboard so we would have to figure out that. The more I listened to her speak, the more of an idea of what type of person she was came into place.

Ymir was forward and sure wasn't afraid to speak her mind.

We came to a mutual agreement to respect each others boundaries and privacy as we exchanged phone numbers. She also informed me that i would have the dorm to myself some night because she stays her girlfriends ever once and a while.
fuckin easy ride for me, i thought. I knew this was gonna 2 -3 easy years if i stay roommates with her, shes got the same pet peeves as me. late late nights, being obnoxious, unneeded small talk and unexpected visitors where a big no on the her list but honestly... same. I couldn't have asked for anyone better for a roommate.

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