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tw: mentions of SA, violence and drugs

Soundtrack pt.1
Softcore - The neighbourhood
W.D.Y.W.F.M - the neighbourhood
I was never there- The weekend
Consume - chase Atlantic
You get me so high- the neighbourhood

3rd person pov / jeans pov <3

"What the fuck is going on?" Ymir's voice was strained, worried that her roommate just passed out on her bed, smudged black makeup running down her face, red hooded eyes burning into the walls of the apartment.

"I don't know- she wont tell me anything." Jean hissed quietly, his voice still strained.

"What the fuck do you mean you don't know what happened?!" Ymir exclaimed, her hands violently gesturing towards the Jarred door.

"I-" jean choked on his words. He didn't know what happened. He wanted to know, so badly.

"what happened jean?" Ymir's voice became clearly irritated at the presence of jean, wanting to know why y/n was acting the way she did.

"Ymir- I seriously don't know." He blinked down at her, his tone completely shook. He had never thought Ymir might have cared so much for y/n, she only cared of Historia or so he thought. It had only been close to a month of them living together and she had never mentioned y/n while they had been together. Maybe it was the time of night or the sudden entrance from the two of them but Ymir was not pleased with him showing his face.

"Did you guys come from the gathering?" Her tone was impatient.

"Y- yeah we did." Jeans feet shifted against the carpet of the floor, his fingers interlocking with one another as he felt a pang of gilt ping his chest. Unsure of why he was suddenly feeling guilty, he swallowed harshly.

"I actually wasn't there-" he spat out, feeling like he was being investigated. Him and Ymir had been good friends ever since freshman year but her seeing him like this was not uncommon, so unsure of himself, so uncertain about things.

"What do you mean you weren't there- you just told me you were there." Ymir barked in a defensive tone, her hand coming up to hold the handle of the door closed.

"No like- I was having a smoke outside- I wasn't inside. She just came running out looking for Marco and collapsed on the ground sobbing." He began, his hand gesturing to Himself. The silence that feel between the two of them was deadly, as they eyed each-other off .

"You don't smoke- you filthy dog" Ymir's eyes narrowed, catching on his lie. She was right, he doesn't smoke cigarettes. He hates the smell, the taste, reminds him of his dad.

"Ymir-" he repeated her name as if it was going to do something to help his situation.

"What?!" She snapped, her eyes bugging out of her head as he glared up at him. Jeans jaw cracked open but before he could defend himself she blurted in.

"Why the fuck would she come to you for help jean?- what is going on?!"

The look on jeans face dropped as he tried to quiet down her, scared as y/n might still be listening on the other side of the door.
Almost midnight and a heated argument with Ymir was exactly what Jean didn't need.

"Ymir, I-" his hand came up to grip on her wrist.

"You what?!" Her voice boomed, "I know you two have some bashful shit going on but this-" she gestured to the door once more, "This is not fucking on!"

"Bringing her home, when she's fucked off her head at midnight-" Ymir growled at jean.
"And You really expect me to believe that you don't know what happened?"

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