31st - pt1

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Nothing revealed/everything denied- 1975
How to disappear - Lana Del Rey
Some - Steve lacy

"Spiral, y/n!" I heard a voice boom from the side line.

"Spiral- then jump flip!" The loud echos caught me off guard as I started off my jump flip, my skates scuffing off the ice, my body pulling itself up from the ground flipping over.

Coach Levi, disappointed look on his face as His vision followed my fragile body being flung around the ice. Due to my imbalance and lack of concentration, I slipped as I landed, falling onto the Icy ground with a yelp.

I hadn't given studying skating at one of the best colleges in praised a second thought, think it would be a piece of cake to pull off. With skating coming as second nature to me, I never though I would be struggling with any routine I was given, oh but god I was wrong.
Coach Levi was surely very hard to impress and with my routine I was supposed to be practicing since Wednesday, I didn't have it packed down, I just couldn't get it. Too many turns in such a short amount of time.

My ass skid across the ice, my body going completely limp completely giving up. Too early for a Friday - 5:45am.

"Another round." He scolded me from the side lines, his hands gesturing at me to get up as my eyes sank deep into my skull wanting to hide form the world. "Come on" he clapped sounding done with me.

I pulled myself off the icy ground, arms weak, as I exhaled a puff of cold air. I surely don't have enough energy for this.

I straightened my poster, my skates over lapping as my hand lifted up into the air, crossing mimicking my legs. Levi hated the music i skated to, saying it was
"Too modern and didn't like the way I moved so stiffly to it." So he insisted on teaching me his most treasure routine... swan lake... on ice.

Lucky me.

I waited impatiently for the soft music to start playing as I inhaled and exhaled, my eyes closed focusing on the challenging routine.
lackback spin, spiral then jump flip, 4 beats in between. I nodded, recounting the moves as the music cracked through the speaker.

I moved as if a feather light on my feet, sliding across the ice, hands fluttering up in the air. I focused on the way I moved, The ice was smooth under the sharp blades that were my skates, so much smoother than Wednesday with Kirstein purposely kicking and latching at the ice, picking away at the smooth surface to show me who this Arena belonged to.

I hadn't told anyone about our fude on Wednesday night, too arrogant to admit that I was actually touching his stuff and way to embarrassed to even thing about what he said to my face.
I couldn't tell anyone, well I had no one to tell, seeing how Everyone seemed to love him.

#NO.16 🏒'
his Instagram bio read, along with the almost 3k followers, the selective 143 he followed and the scattered photos of him at tournaments and his friends at frat parties. His highlights, countless pictures of him and his friends, with song choices that was expected from a type of guy like him.
Mac, Kanye, drake ect.

Connie, his best mate, was featured in almost every single one of his posts along with Sasha in a few and then Marco, whom I have all met very briefly. Hitch, his ex... was pretty, geez even gorgeous with old photos of the both of them form prom and family vacation pictures in the Bahamas. And Ymir, disappointingly was friends with them all, making it way to easy for petty me to stalk him and his life.

I was cautious, as i... prowled around his perfectly set up instagram. I didn't dare hit that blue follow button and was sure not to accidentally double tap on any of his post, feeling as if I was a somewhere I wasn't meant to be. But it wasn't private so I'm not doing anything wrong, I thought to myself, my eyes skimming over his bio once again, thick bed sheets covering my face from the cold air.

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