cheetos N' milk

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Sound track -
Lavender- laundry day
Don't keep driving- the paper kites
Love is like ghosts - lord Huron

The trip from home was long, like a total 12 hours longs. 2 hour drive and 10 hours up in the sky, by the end i was drained and exhausted. It was my first time flying alone and i was moving to the other side of the country. I was nervous, of course i was but the idea of starting fresh and being given the chance to be able to pursue my dream was incredible. The city of Sina was different form home, of course it was different form home, it was a major city, not a crumbling old town in the middle of nowhere that people had forgot about. everything was so unfamiliar, Sina was The most fast-paced, piss-smelling, up-all-night, no-fucks-given, melting pot of some of the best and worst people in the world; in other words, it's perfect.

8:30pm. campus was just on the outskirts of the city, around about a 38 minute bus drive from the airport. i would've like to say its was warm, but with October coming to an end Sina's renowned weather was not getting me anywhere. i had only my long puffer jacket, my 2 massive bags filled with all my belongs and my forever shrinking attachment to this reality to get me through the coldest winter of my life yet.

The sound of my feet shuffling against a warn door mat, was muffled by the hood of my feather jacket that kissed my cheeks and the chunky head phones placed over my ears. Winter in Sina was harsh to say the least. At least there was no snow, not just yet. That would've been fucking nightmare if i had to travel through that. A sturdy thud came from my duffel bag as i heaved it off my shoulder onto my suit case, as i pulled the music off my ears to rest on my neck.

i sniffed quietly as i reached into my pocket, retrieving a folded up piece of paper fraying at the sides. i took my time unraveling the paper to be met by worn ink on the paper. i squinted at the text, trying to make out he digits in the dark light.

"right so i gotta call this number so someone can come and let em in... give me my tag me to my room?" i uttered to myself as i read over the writing carefully, attempting to gather the information i needed. From what i had already saw , campus on Trost was massive. I stood the foot of an entrance of one of the main dorm buildings, looking up at the scattered windows filled with lights. I came to a mutual agreement with myself, that i needed to get out of this weather as a massive gust of wind nearly tackled me to the ground.

I frantically searched for my phone as i worried i may have let in on the bus or the plain even thought i had been listen to my Bluetooth for this whole time till now. With a relieved sigh i clasp onto the cold metal, that was my phone and brought it close to my face, dialing in the number that was noted on the paper. Too concentrated on looking back and forth at the numbers on my phone to the numbers on the sheet, i was frightened by the heavy glass door being swung open.

"You really think hitch is gonna break up with him... for the 4th time??" a male voice said, catching me off guard.

"i don't know, shes fucking insane," another voice added. I cleared my throat and quietly step to the side, where the shadows where, lowering my head so i wasn't as noticeable as i continued to check the numbers written in my phone. "They are terrible for each other, Connie I'm telling you."   the woman's voice became noticeably angrier.

"its like- its like having hot Cheetos and milk." She banged on, her hand gestures becoming more fluent as she stormed out of the door that the man was holding for her. "like who the their right minds would want to eat hot Cheetos and milk?" she stopped to looked back as him as the air became quite. "probably you." The man scoffed coyly as The woman snarled, offended. "That's not the point!" she whined.

"sash- Calm down you're hangry, there are nachos at the party-" the male attempted to calm down the woman in front of him.

"No! The point is that hot Cheetos and milk don't work together, jean is our best friend and we need to help him find some- just some normal cereal!" Just as the woman finished preaching, a cool burning sensation wafted up my nose causing me to sneeze, really loudly. shit. The both of them jumped out of their skin, with a murderous scream escaping out of one of their lungs as their heads snapped to look at the dark figure standing adjacent of them. Silence fell between the three of us as i froze immediately, still curled up in my post sneeze pose.

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