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Sound track-
Curveballs - wombats
The birthday party- The 1975
She works out to much - MGMT

3:20 pm Wednesday - today was miserable, icy rain pouring down relentlessly down on the city of Sina. My head snapped back to hit the head rest of the seat, hands pulling tight at my hoodie strings around my neck as i listened to My professor dragging on about the how people learn, think, perceive and interact with the world around them. my black headphones sat over my ears, one slid over the side of my head letting his droaning voice. To put it in retro sect... physiology was never my first choice hence I wasn't actually listening but ma persisted i did it, saying  'it wouldn't hurt if you had something along the side to depend on. You never know what you happen in the future.' her pure voice echoed through my head, repeatably clicked the top of my pen in annoyance.

It had only been three days since i started college and i had been a shit show. Showing up to collage in the middle of the semester probably wasn't the smartest move, but i couldn't of helped it, the actual scholarship didn't show up for ages because it got mailed to the other side of the country. First lesson, i got a run down form professor Shadis then textbook after textbook he handed me, telling me 'i have some work to catch up on.'

3 days in and i was Already in the collage spirit. i had attempted to pull an all nigther for today's lesson, reading a whole 6 chapters of a text book as i could hear Ymir's snores from behind me, wishing and longing to be in her place.

Eyes lids threatening heavy, contrary to the 1 and a half hour sleep I got the night before, I sunk lower into my chair, my computer screen hiding my face. I stared, with hooded eyes down at the text on my screen, not reading them but letting the words blend into each other. i was seated like 3 rows form the back, there is no way i could get caught, unless someone snitched on the new girl. My professors voice blended into the white noise of the lecture hall as my face fell lax with tiredness.

Suddenly the door behind me flew open, followed by heavy foot steps as the professor stopped mid sentence.

"Mr Yeager, you finally decided to show up to class, have you now." The balding professor called out to the unexpected visitor, seeming to not be so fond him. I pealed open my tired eyes, as i heard the familiar name. In the corner of my eye i saw a figure stand at where my row started, only a few seats away. The lecture hall fell quite, as some turned their heads back to gawk at the the student but he didn't speak back, he just stood there. The look plastered on Professor Shadis's face was unimpressed. "sit down." he spat, swatting his hand with the ruler he was holding. 

i felt the row of chairs i was sitting in jerk as he entered the small passage way, advancing straight towards me. One seat from me, a brunette with his hair half tied up in a man bun and tan skin, flopped in the seat, with a sigh. The close scuffing of his wet rain coat, muffing out professors Shaids voice. He sat up just a bit to adjust his jumper but then fell back agint the back of the chair, his legs spreading open his ring filled hand resting on his thigh. My lips pressed into a thin line as i observed his every movement, unsure of what to feel.

I probably looked like I was on my 4th day coke bender with my puffy eye bags sinking into my skin as I iced out, gazing at his unfamiliar face. His profile was pretty, his nose, pronounced and his jaw was sharp. I heard him sniff, his head resting back on the seat before he started impatiently tapping his short finger nail against the arm rest.

I waited for him to get out a notepad of some sort or even a laptop but no. Seconds passed and i assume that he noticed i was gazing as he snapped his head to look at me. Startled by his quick movements, my neck snapped back to my computer, wide eyes fixed on my key bored feeling him looking at me. i second take him again, a bit more discreet this time as i caught his eyes for the first time. A deep forest green, his eye were with thick black eyelashes that fluttered as i caught his attention. it wasn't long before my vision flickered back down to my computer, my teeth gnawing at my cheek.

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