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I just got home from the office. Im currently listening to tyler gush about some guy he met at the coffee shop. Nice.

After he hangs up i clean up a little around the place. I clean the kitchen, wiping down the counters. Then i vacuum and spray nice smelling softener on my couch.

I make myself a lemonade and sit infront of the tv, then receive a message from Aria on a groupchat. Huh? i dont have a groupchat. I check details and its me, her and Laia. I smile.

'Do you guys wanna get lunch tomorrow?' her text reads.

'Ari im literally sitting next to you' Alaia texts making me giggle.

I tell them about my plans and ask them to come with but they politely decline. We make plans to go shopping and lunch tomorrow.

Its only half past six right now and we said we'd leave at 10 so i decide to order an early dinner cuz im super hungry.

I go on uber eats and get a lasagna, and some garlic bread along with mozzarella sticks. Mm, im fat.

I wait for my food and when it arrives, i eat in my sweats with Lucifer playing.

Yeah man this is the life. Cheese and Tom Ellis.


Im currently sitting in the living room with mama and Zia Bianca, not really listening until i hear the mention of a name.

"Oh sì, she's so beautiful" Mama gushes. "Chris, when can Zara come over again figlio" she asks. I raise an eyebrow.

"Mama, shes my assistant i cannot ask her to come home with me its inappropriate, plus theres no point in her coming here again and again."

"What do you mean no point? I like her, she's such a sweet girl, plus i think Stephano likes her, they'd be beautiful together no?" she asks Zia. I feel my jaw clench and i tense up. What the fuck? I just nod and stand up, walking to where i know the boys are hanging out.

When i enter, Ria and Laia are there too so i dont say anything.

"- we're gonna go to lunch too, but tonight she said she's going to the club with some work people, she said she misses it she used to go all the time when she was in England" Aria is sitting in Nicks lap, rambling. "She also said she's lonely so she might hook up with someone" she giggles and Laia smacks her upside the head.

"Ari, thats not something to say out loud!" Alaia shrieks. My blood is fucking boiling. What the fuck?

Why would she tell them that? Fuck this shit.

"Oh Chris, club tonight?" Matt asks me.

"Yea, right now, i need a fucking drink"


Im currently in my closet, in nothing but lingerie looking for something to wear. This is so hard. I pout.

After looking through literally my entire closet, i find white silk dress that looks really pretty and appropriate so i decide on that and these white heels with wraps up the legs that are too fancy to wear anywhere else.

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I took a long relaxing bath earlier so i feel really good and ready to go clubbing

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I took a long relaxing bath earlier so i feel really good and ready to go clubbing. I used to go every other night back in London and ive missed it alot.

I do my makeup like usual but make my eyes shimmery and light, some nude pink lipstick. I leave my hair down, just putting waves in for body. My hair is really straight and silky so it can get pretty boring.

Once i finish up its already 5 minutes past 10, and my phone rings. I pick up and Adriannas voice comes through,

"Im downstairs ms. England, come on i need to drink my body weight." she says and i snicker, i grab the small white pouch i picked out and locking up my apartment, i head downstairs.

I get into Adriannas car and she drives off.

"Why're you taking your car? Wont you be drinking?" i ask her.

"Uh, duh! Obvi im drinking crazy, my brother said he can come take us home when we call him, hes going to be with his friends later, so he'll just drive my car." she explains making me nod.

"Lets go partayyy" she screams and i laugh.

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