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"Zara-" I say but she starts walking to the couch. I watch in horror as she collides with a woman and falls on her back.

"ah" she winces.

"Fuck" I hiss running to her.

"Be careful Zara!" mama shrieks. She holds her abdomen then looks up.

"It, it hurts" she cries a little. Oh fuck.

I look up with rage at the woman. Its her. The ugly ass bitch.

"You dumb bitch shes pregnant what the fuck!" i shout.

"Chris the fetus is really young that could have hurt it, take her to the hospital right now". Mama panicks.

"Shit fuck, ok," I pause. "Uh Matt, get me the back door" I say going closer to her small body. I gently pick her up and carry her to the door.

I sit her down in my car and quickly get in the driver seat.

"Ah C-chris it it hurts" she cries throwing her head back as i see tears spill out of her eyes. My chest constricts.

"Fuck baby I know, im sorry, we'll be there in minutes my love shh." i hear her breathing pick up. "Zara baby, dont panick right now it could make this worse, just breath, we're almost there" she cries breaking my heart.

"Im sorry baby, im so sorry" she whispers hunching over, talking to her tummy. My heart aches. I stop at the tall hospital building, jumping out as i see other cars speeding to us. I quickly carry her in.

"I NEED A DOCTOR" I shout and alot of people rush to me. They lay her down on a stretcher and the doctor comes rushing.

"What happened" she asks looking Zara over.

"She's pregnant, she fell and now shes saying something hurts" i rush out.

"Okay, get her to the room" The doctor asks the nurses.


Im currently looking at Zara's sleeping form. Its 3 am in the morning.

The baby and her are fine. The doctor said it could have been much worse and we are very lucky the baby survived. She said its because Zara is strong. I agree with her.

Shes my strong love.

I hold her small, soft hand. They gave her a sedative because she was panicking and they needed her to calm down.

I let out a huge sigh.

That was possibly the scariest thing i have ever experienced. I dont get frightened theres very little that worries me. Her in a hospital worries me.

Her in danger worries me.

I hate waiting for the doctor to say shes okay.

I shake my head and look at her beautiful face. She looks peaceful and cuddly. She looks paler than usual in the hospital gown but beautiful nonetheless.

I hear the door open and look to see mama enter.

"I thought i told you to go home and sleep" i say. She glares playfully.

"Im the mom caro, dont act like youre mine" she says. "I brought you both a change of clothes, i know she'll want one as soon as she wakes." she comments. "I was about to make her food but Matt said you already have that covered, whatever that means" she says. I snicker.

"Yea she usually enjoys Mcdonalds so i sent someone out for that" i inform. "Thankyou for the clothes mama" i say kissing her cheek.

"Mhm, the necklace is beautiful by the way, its safe with me, let Zara know to come take it from me sì?" she asks. I nod.

"Sì, now please get some sleep".

She leaves after a while and i change into the sweats and tshirt she brought.

I hear a soft mewl and my head shoots to her face.

I see her beautiful green eyes open soon and she frowns, her hand immediately going to her stomach.

"Is he-"

"The baby's okay my love" she sighs.

"Really?" she asks, tears springing to her eyes. I nod.

"Sì, its perfectly okay" i say kissing her head a few times. "Fuck i was so worried my love" i sigh.

"Im sorry" she hiccups. My eyebrows furrow. I look at her in question. "If I was careful no one would be hurt, i purposely put our baby in danger," she cries.

"Shh sh sh sh, no you didn't, its all that twats fault, you didn't do anything baby" i hold her. "Stop crying, youre both fine, thats all that matters" i kiss her hair.

After a while the doctor came and explained how Zara needs to take it easy for a while. She said that thankfully shes not putting her on bed rest but we have to be careful.

I fed her the burger then took her home, carried her to bed and tucked her in.

"Where are my fries" she asks pouting. I look at her, adjusting her blanket.

"You ate them all" i tell her. Her pout deepens. "You want mine?" i ask. She grins making me chuckle. I hand her my fries walking into the bathroom. I wash my hands and face them check my phone.

Damn its almost 7.

I walk out to see her happily eating her fries.

"Merry Christmas baby" i husk walking closer. Her head shoots up to me.

"Its Christmas!" she squeals. "Aww Merry Christmas babeee" she opens her arms making me shake my head.

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