can t do it anymore

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Everyday feels the same, like you re living the same day over and over nothing interesting, nothing exciting, just an exhausting routine. You barely can do the minimum, you re stressed, anxious,nervous, don t know how to handle all of this, but don t ask for help, because you are afraid to open, you are afraid they will think that you are weak, so you just ignoring it hoping that will go away but the truth is it that it doesn't. It doesn't go away, struggling every single day of every single hour of every single moment. Can t fiind peace, can t relax.
Your mind is your worst enemy, the intrusive thoughts, the little voices that says you won t make it, that you are useless,unloved, untalented, basically having no reason to live and being a waste of oxigen. Is so frustrating because you can t control them, they control you. All the consuming thoughts drained you and making the worst version of yourself.
You forgot how happines feels, you are stuck in a circle of sadness and emptiness, and the worst part is you don t know how to break the circle, thinking you are helpless.
Sleeping is the only cooperating mechanism that actually helps, sleeping is not just because you are tired, is an escape from reality.

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