IN WHICH vinnie hacker finally meets the beautifully spritited girl who breaks him out of his shell.
#14 under vinniehacker 4/24/22
#1 under vincenthacker 6/14/22
#115 under tiktok 7/25/22
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third person january 8th, 2022
'i wish that we had better timing, i'll save a dance just for you.', the music blared out of Lola's speaker as she did her makeup, humming along to the song that was playing.
"lola! we leave in 10 minutes, i hope you're ready!" lola heard Veondre yell from downstairs, making her roll her eyes. "yes, girl, i'll be ready." she yelled back as she applied her lashes.
lola and veondre met in 2019, they both attended an ariana grande concert and ended up getting seats next to each other. they ended up chatting with each other the whole time, and exchanged numbers at the end of the show.
they stayed long-distance best friends until late 2020, when veondre started getting bigger on social media for speaking out about trans-rights and her life as a transwoman.
as soon as she had the money, veondre flew lola out to california.
lola was originally only supposed to stay there for 3 weeks, but after begging her mother, she and veondre decided to move in together while she attended a cosmetology school in los angelos.
it definitely wasn't as blissful as they thought, living with your best friend. they'd had countless of arguments, but the good definitely outweighed the bad. neither of them could have asked for a better roomate.
lola quickly applied some lipgloss before getting dressed, not wanting to hear veondre bicker about the fact they're going to be late. soon enough, lola was walking down the stairs with her mini purse in hand.
"lord, took you long enough," veondre playfully rolled her eyes. "yeah, took you long enough!" lola heard micky's voice yell from the kitchen, muffled from what was most likely their cereal.
lola shook her head with a smile as she and veondre walked into the kitchen, and sure enough, Micky and Daniel sat at the table whilst eating bowls of lucky charms.
"do you guys ever eat food from your own apartment?" lola lightly smacked the back of daniel's head as she sat next to him at the table. "hey, free food is free food," micky shrugged.
daniel and micky are their neighbors, their apartment is one door down from lola and veondre's. they met the brothers when they first moved in, micky was hitting on them like crazy, which they both found amusing since he's still a sophmore in highschool.
daniel quickly apologized for his younger brother's actions, and explained that they were staying at the apartment complex since their parents kicked them out. the girls, of course, befriended them. at first, it was just because they felt bad, but it quickly turned genuine when they realized how fucking funnythe boys are.