IN WHICH vinnie hacker finally meets the beautifully spritited girl who breaks him out of his shell.
#14 under vinniehacker 4/24/22
#1 under vincenthacker 6/14/22
#115 under tiktok 7/25/22
#1 under naileadevora 12/18/22
#1 under vinnie 7/29/22
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third person july 23rd, 2022
"run, bitch!" lola yelled at the screen in front of her as she watched the girl on the screen run away desperately from a deranged man wearing a skull mask.
"do you really have to do that everytime a character runs?" daniel glared at her, tired of his ears being assaulted by her screams. lola just shrugged and stuffed her hand back into her box of cheez-its.
lola, daniel, and veondre had all taken it upon themselves to have a movie marathon. they were watching all three "Fear Street" movies, and were currently on part one. lola wasn't a fan of horror movies, at all, but the two had pressured her into watching it.
also, vinnie had left her to go to party, so what are else are you gonna do on a random saturday night?
after coachella, vinnie sparked his love for partying back up. ever since, he spent most of his weekends partying, lola never joined him though. she hated it. going to parties that big made her anxious. she would never make vinnie stop going, though, she was fine having a little space from him, especially since he can be overwhelmingly clingy.
"this shit so annoying, can they just let her die?" veondre mumbled, making the other two gasp. "girl, you going to hell," lola laughed loudly, covering her mouth to muffel the sound in attempts of not ruining the movie. "well, i'm sorry but they really sacrificing themselves for an annoying white girl!" veondre tried to defend herself, although she was laughing just as hard.
"i can't believe you guys convinced me to watch this," lola flinched slightly at the screen as she saw a mad man with an axe running. "we have nothing better to do." daniel shrugged, grabbing a blanket and covering himself with it.
"no, but, lowkey...why the nigga with the axe kinda fi-"
"veondre. you're on your last straw." lola cut her off, holding a hand up to silence her.
veondre rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the screen, just as lola's phone started ringing.
"your phone is ringing." daniel stated the obvious, making both of the girls glare at him.
lola answered the phone and put it up to her ear, pausing the movie so she could hear better, "hello?"
"hello, is this lola aldana?" a very formal-sounding lady spoke from the other line.
lola furrowed her eyebrows, "yes, this is her..."
"well, hello, lola. my name is margaret, i work at IMG modeling agency. you were recommended to me by your school, do you have a few minutes to discuss some things?" the lady politely asked, and lola could tell that if they didn't have this conversation now, it would be rescheduled for later.