25♡; epilogue

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third person

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third person

(don't read unless you want my vengeance. or unless you're lola.)

january 30th, 2022

this is so dumb. this is so fucking dumb. i feel like an idiot for even writing in this right now. i could be watching a movie or hanging out with my friends but instead im writing a letter to a girl who doesn't like me back, a girl who will probably never see this. but, oh well, it's too late to turn back now.

it hasn't even been a month since we met, and you're all i think about. everything i do comes back to you. we talk everyday, everyday i get to hear your laugh, and i still feel like i go unnoticed. maybe im just selfish. but can you blame me? you're everything ive ever looked for. we have so much in common, we like all of the same things, all of the same music, all of the same animes, all of the same movies, it's crazy.

i feel like maybe im too obsessive. i dont stalk you or anything, but like i said, you're all i think about. i become attached way too easily. like way, way too easily. ive always been like this, or at least ever since i was diagnosed. i get attached to people and get too upset when they don't prioritize me the same way. i think that im way more special than i actually am. but with you, it was different. the second we weren't in each others company, i missed you. i missed you so much. there was so much i should've said, i barely even talked to you. YOU came up to ME.

that kind of makes me think, though. you came up to me. you thought about me enough to talk to me. i sound insane. like i sound like a straight up lunatic. i dont know, maybe its a good thing you wont see this. maybe ill scare you off. i just truly admire you. anyways, i got off topic.

i feel like its not fair. its not fair that youre the most beautiful, talented, charming, funny, brilliant girl ive ever met, and we aren't even dating. after my ex cheated on me, i absolutely swore i would never trust a girl enough to date her again, but now you're here. you're some one im willing to take a risk on. and you dont even like me back. how is that fair? exactly, its not.

but then again, i guess it makes sense. youre way too good for me. i could treat you the best i possibly can, and it still wouldn't be enough. im not good enough for anyone else, why would i be good enough for you?

holy shit i sound so corny. if you ever see this youll definitely make fun of me.

i dont even know what im saying anymore. this is embarassing. i should stop.

okay im gonna stop. hopefully the next time i feel the urge to write in here, it wont be as dumb and repetitive. bye future vinnie.

and bye to you too, lola, if you ever read this. i dont love you yet, but i have a feeling im going to.

- vincent hacker


lola let out a shaky sigh as she finished the last page of the journal that was given to her. if it wasn't for the fact that she was boarding a plane to paris in 3 minutes, she'd probably bust out crying. she shut the book and shoved it into her bag, putting her face into her hands.

when she got home the day they ended things, she swore to herself she wasn't going to read it. she thought that if she did, she'd go back to him. but, last night, before she went to bed, her curiosity got the best of her and she read the first entry. and, of course, once she started, she couldn't stop.

she read half of it last night, and the rest this morning. she couldn't stop.

she didn't know what she expected when she opened the book, she thought that maybe it'd just be a page or two of vinnie talking about how his day was. there was 125 entries. 125 entries, all about her. all about the stuff he never told her, and after reading that, she wish he did tell her.

"Now boarding flight 407 to paris, france!"

lola sighed slightly and began walking towards the gate, her tote bag hanging off her shoulder. it doesnt matter, none of what he said in that book matters. they broke up, he doesn't feel that way anymore.

but what if he does?

lola exhaled sharply and slowed down her walking. "i need to go to him." lola thought, suddenly feeling the urge to run out of the airport.

"i need to go back to him. i love him. this isn't right. he loves me. this isn't how it's supposed to be. i'm making the wrong decision."

but, she didn't turn around. she didn't go back to him. instead, she walked through the gate and onto the plane.

' DIARY OF A WIMPY KID ' - vinnie hacker (✔)Where stories live. Discover now